September 10, 2011


HEALTH for BODY (Physical), SOUL (Mind, Will, Emotions), SPIRIT (Spiritual)


The average American does not consume enough magnesium. 90-95% are deficient in magnesium. Magnesium is the most important mineral in your body and participates in over 300 hormonal reactions!

Magnesium deficiencies lead to: insomnia, sleep-disorders, fatigue, body-tension, headaches, heart-disorders, low energy, high blood pressure, PMS, muscle tension, backaches, constipation, kidney stones, osteoporosis, accelerated aging, depression, irregular heartbeat, anxiety, muscle cramps, spasms, irritability, eye twitches, neck pain, difficulty swallowing or lump in throat after eating sugar, loud noise sensitivity, uptightness, salt cravings, chocolate cravings, etc. Consuming proper levels of magnesium relieves all the above problems and also helps: prevent and reverse kidney stone formation, relieve fibromyalgia and chronic pain, treat asthma and emphysema, etc.

The recommended daily allowance is of magnesium is 320 mg for women and 400 mg for men. Ideally, we should be getting 500 – 700 mg per day. People with chronic kidney failure should be careful with magnesium because toxic build up could occur; however, it is difficult to reach toxic levels with people who have normal kidneys. You will know if you have too much because the result will be diarrhea. Easy fix – just back off on the amount of magnesium. Magnesium and calcium intake needs to be about 1 to 2 ratio. If you take 500 mg magnesium supplements then you should take 1000 mg calcium supplements. You may need to adjust if you get good amounts from your diet.

Magnesium rich foods include a variety of whole foods, nuts, seeds and green vegetables. AVOID: refined processed foods.

Supplement with magnesium citrate. Peter Gilliam’s CALM or Magna Calm are two excellent products; used on a short-term basis because magnesium from foods is best.

Yogurt and probiotics help build beneficial bacteria and yeast in your intestines which help absorb magnesium. 1 T. Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar in ½ cup filtered water ½ hour before meals helps magnesium absorption too.

Get your calcium/magnesium levels corrected and most of your medical symptoms will disappear.