November 9, 2009


“But thank God! He gives the victory…always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.”

I Cor. 15:57-58 NLT


Your Labor in the Lord is not in Vain
By Paula Jo Nyman

I’m sitting in my empty Sunday School classroom…all the busy sounds are gone for the morning. I’m wondering why I only had one student show up for my class this morning out of seven. Perhaps there was something else going on. Or maybe I’m just not connecting with the students. Or worse yet, maybe I’m not even supposed to be teaching these kids!

Does this sound familiar to you? Maybe your “empty classroom” is wondering if you are supposed to be working with the youth in your church. Maybe it comes after a particularly hard day of homeschooling where you wonder, why am I doing this? Maybe it is when you wonder why you seem to be the only one who ever does any of the work in the WMF and what is it all for anyway?

“But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my dear brothers (and sisters), stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”

The context of this Scripture is the great “Resurrection Chapter”, 1 Corinthians 15. Paul makes the case for the Resurrection, explaining what it would be like if there had been no Resurrection. He ends by telling us what it will be like when Jesus returns and our natural bodies become spiritual bodies and imperishable. What is the victory mentioned in the verses above? It is the victory over death! THANKS BE TO GOD THAT JESUS GAVE US VICTORY OVER DEATH. Death no longer has any sting for us…THEREFORE…let nothing move you! That’s right, it says let NOTHING move you. Even when you are in your empty classroom and you feel like giving up, your labor in the Lord is not in vain. Perhaps what I taught that day was just what God wanted that one student to hear! I may never know how it impacted him but God does.

Take heart and know deep down that as you give thanks to God and continue in His work He will not let it return void!!


Rich Frugality
By Sarah Nelson

A lesson God has been teaching me is that living frugally doesn’t mean living poorly. When I think we have less, is often when I discover we have more. The times I’ve fretted about what we will eat, and what will we wear, I open our pantry and closets, and while I don’t find cashmere or caviar inside of them, I find more than enough to keep us fed and clothed. I am reminded of the Scripture promise from Jesus in Matthew 6:25: “For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?

While I still have much to learn in the area of frugal living, I’d like to share a few ideas that have helped our family.

Food: I cook up large amounts of dried pinto and black beans to stretch soups, stews, and chili. Lentils, cooked just till tender, are a great ground meat extender. Our consumption of sweets, including homemade, has been cut back. When fruits and veggies are in season, I prep and freeze as much as possible for later use. Soda has become a rare treat, including my Diet Coke. Preparing as much food as possible from scratch with basic ingredients has been our biggest saver.

Clothing: When there is a need, I search our local thrift stores first, hit garage sales when possible, and if necessary check out the clearance racks. Adding a new scarf, necklace, or layering sweater can easily update an entire outfit for the fraction of the cost.

Entertainment: We cut out our TV cable service and found our local library to be a great resource for not only terrific books, but for good family DVD’s. Eating in rather than eating out, board game nights at home, and getting outside to enjoy creation are other richly frugal activities.

Gifts: I’ve re-discovered the joy of making gifts from the heart. This years Christmas gifts include aprons from a vintage sheet and matching p.j.’s from fabric I had on hand. Go through your cupboards and closets and find what you can fashion into something new.

Decorating: The urge to strip my orange and brown flowered wallpaper and cover my mint green painted walls colors is strong, but it must wait. A decorating friend came and arranged pictures and furniture into a pleasing arrangement, making our home transform from eye-popping clashing to eclectic cozy in style. Re-arrange, and swap talents with a neighbor and see what you come up with for little to no cost.

Most importantly, I’ve learned to trust on God more. What should and can we all do during these times? Pray! We have seen His provision for us through gifts of groceries, paper products, and clothing. He truly sees our needs, and yours. God hears you, loves you, and cares for you. Live frugally and see how rich you are in the love of the Lord!


Check out these websites for “helps” in parenting, and for your walk with the Lord: (under “helps for ministers’ wives”)

Do you have some that you’d like to share with others? Please send to Faith at

How about your church’s website? Do you have a link just for the women in your church? Check this one out at (under “for women”)

Would you like to share yours with us? Please send the info to Faith at


Last week we put childproof locks on our bathroom and kitchen cupboard doors to keep our toddler safe from finding and handling our household cleaners. As I put the cleaners away behind the locked door, I began to think about how dangerous these chemicals could be to my child should she get into them. This sparked my interest into checking out how to make my own nontoxic household cleaners. (Not to mention making my own cleaners would be frugal!)

I turned to the Internet to get some ideas and recipes. I learned that there are some basic, nontoxic ingredients in homemade cleaners: baking soda and white vinegar. There are also some key ingredients: soap (dish soap or liquid castile soap-found in health food stores) olive oil, club soda, and glycerin. Many recipes call for essential oils (found in health food stores or special health food sections in some grocery stores). Essential oils disguise the smell of vinegar and some (tea tree oil) have cleaning properties.

Finding a recipe is easy by simply typing, “making household cleaners” into your search engine of choice. In my researching, I found to be a helpful website. I also came across what looks to be a helpful book by Karen Logan, Clean House Clean Planet- Clean Your House for Pennies a Day, the Safe Nontoxic Way. It is available at local bookstores or maybe at your local library


Consider a woman’s world in the early 1960’s about the time that our National WMF and AFLC came into being. Almost everyone got married and the average age for getting married was 20 years old for girls. The divorce rate was very low; chastity and virginity were virtues. Sex outside of marriage was considered shameful. Only 30% of the women worked outside the home. Life for women was very different 50 years ago! Contrast the 1950’s TV mom, June Cleaver (Leave it to Beaver) who was a happy fulfilled housewife to today’s TV icon, Ellen Degeneres, an avowed lesbian and comedian.

Ministry to women has been greatly affected by these changes in our culture. Yet the need to minister to women has never been greater!! How do we as pastor’s wives and WMF leaders effectively reach and encourage our women?
Our message must be solidly based only on God’s Word. In a recent email survey to the ladies of my church, the ladies consistently asked to dig deep into Bible study. Our message must not change but how, when and where we provide such opportunities to study God’s Word is where we can creatively adapt to reach this culture.

Take a hard look at the women already within your church, their ages and the seasons of their lives. Look at women in the neighborhoods around your home and church. What are their needs? Find out through surveys, email surveys, facebook, or just pick up the phone and ask. One church moved their women’s Bible study to Wednesday night because their children were involved in church activities that night and that freed up a night for them to be at home. Offer other studies at different times or on another days based on the schedules of all your women. One church with many young mothers just started a MOPS group to encourage these young mommies and to also reach out to their neighborhood. I know of several pastor’s wives who are effectively reaching out to their unsaved neighbors through a cooking class or a Bible study on marriage.

The needs are great and often overwhelming but my God is greater and HE IS ABLE!!! Prayerfully seek His direction to creatively minister in these days for He promises that
“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally... and it shall be given him”. James 1:5


Muirhead Pecan Pumpkin Butter DESSERT SQUARES

1 package yellow cake mix; set aside one cup
½ cup butter, melted
3 eggs, large
1 jar of Muirhead Pecan Pumpkin Butter
2 tbsp milk
1 tbsp flour
2 tbsp sugar
¼ cup butter, softened
1 tsp cinnamon
Preheat oven to 350° F. Divide yellow cake mix, placing all but one cup in a mixing bowl. Stir the melted butter and one egg into the cake mix. Press the mixture into the bottom of a greased 9" × 13" pan. Mix the jar of Muirhead Pecan Pumpkin Butter with two eggs and milk. Pour this result over the cake mix. Stir the reserved cup of cake mix with the flour, sugar, softened butter, and cinnamon. Mix together until crumbly. Sprinkle over top of the pumpkin layer. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes or until golden brown. Cool. Cut into "2 squares. Serves 24.

*** I received this recipe from Williams Sonoma company they are EXCELLENT!!! You can substitute the Muirhead Pecan Pumpkin butter for a pumpkin butter you find in your local grocery store****

Chocolate Brownie and Peanut Butter Cup Torte

1 (18-21 ounce) package brownie mix
3 eggs
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup creamy peanut butter
6 (1 1/2 ounce) peanut butter cups, bars
1 2/3 cups peanut butter chips (10 oz. pkg)
2 cups miniture marshmallows

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Spray two torte pans with nonstick cooking spray with flour. Place 8 inches circles of parchment or wax paper over centers of pans, set aside. In mixing bowl combine brownie mix, eggs, 1/2 cup oil, water and peanut butter, mix well. Divide batter between 2 pans spreading to edges. Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until centers feel firm to the touch.

Meanwhile, dice peanut butter cups, set aside. In microwavable bowl, combine peanut butter morsels and remaining 1 tbsp of oil, microwave on HIGH 1-2 minutes or until melted and smooth, stirring after each 30 second interval. Spoon 1/4 cup of the peanut butter mixture into a re-sealable plastic bag, set aside. Fold marshmallows into remaining peanut butter mixture.

Remove pans from oven to cooling rack. Let brownies stand in pans for 4 minutes. To assemble torte, invert one brownie well side up onto large round platter. Make sure to remove paper from bottoms of brownies. Using scraper spread marshmallow filling into brownie well. Invert remaining brownie well side up onto cooling rack then slide onto top of bottom layer. Evenly distribute diced peanut butter cups into brownie well. Snip tip of corner of baggie to allow peanut butter mixture to flow through, drizzle over torte. Serve immediately.

*** Recipe from Recipe Zaar ***


“But Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” 1 Cor. 15:57

Recently I have been struggling with worry. Having two babies at home lends opportunity for this new mother to worry. Uncertainty causes me to worry. Putting on an extra pound or two causes me to worry. The thought of harm or danger coming to my family causes me to worry.

I shared the growing struggle of mine with a woman I greatly respect. She directed me to Philippians 4: 6-7, which says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” She reminded me that scripture says we have not because we ask not. She also reminded me to thank Him for His answers.

I did bring my requests to the Lord as I was tempted to steep in my worry. Each time the worry re-appears in my mind, I remind myself that my life and the life of my family is in the Lord’s hands and He has our best in mind. Claiming these truths and choosing to believe them gives me the peace of God, which does go beyond my understanding.

Join me in praying:
“Lord, thank you that because of Jesus we can have victory over sin. Please show me an area in my life today where I need to confess sin that is keeping me from serving you. I want to be free to serve you with my whole mind, body and soul. Thank you Jesus. Amen”


Interview with Andrea Christenson
By Mary Pollestad

Andrea Christenson is the wife of Lay pastor Eric Christenson who serves Amery Free Lutheran in Amery WI. They have two girls.

I asked Andrea to tell us what she knew the Lord had called her to do in the ministry at Amery Free. “Well she said, I would have to say that my ministry is encouragement.” She replied, “First of all it is to my husband. To love him and support him in anyway that I can. To encourage him and help him.” “The second thing is to minister to my family.” “ I would have to say the third thing is to encourage different groups of people in the church.” “Sometimes,” she said, “that might be to come along side in various ways for ideas or projects and supporting them in whatever they may need.” “It may not be to lead something but to just give an idea.” “One of the things that I am working on in this area is to write a small note of encouragement or do a phone call.” I am trying to become intentional about meeting peoples needs on a one to one basis.” “Of course” she said, “There is always serving in and amongst the youth of the church.”

Following through with our theme for this month I asked her if she were to give a word of encouragement for the pastor’s wife what would that be. She promptly said, “The Bible verses that come to me are “God will never leave you or forsake you. And another one is “God never Changes He is always the same”. “And still another one that I have been really blessed with lately is, The Joy of the Lord is my strength.”

If Andrea was going to give a bit of encouragement to all of us Pastor’s wives it would be stated like this. “Lately she said I have had a very Freeing thought come over me in the last year that the only expectations we should have to live up to are those of God’s.” “Sometimes we have expectations of what we should be like.” “Or we look at others and we think we should be like them.” “God has called each one of us for a purpose, we don’t have to fit into man’s mold but into God’s.” “We should not expect ourselves to fit into this Christian woman mold that is unrealistic.” “If I could say it this way, be whom God created you to be not a victim of your own expectations or anyone else’s.”

I asked her for some words of wisdom for those women going into a different part of ministry within their church or even being called to a different church she said, As we look at where God may be taking us next within the church or in another church let us remember it may not look exactly the same but God will use you.” “He equips who He calls.”