September 15, 2010


Nurturing Mothers
How to Raise Feminine Daughters

One of the most blessed things we can do as mothers is right away when our daughters are born is to let them sense the closeness that you have with them and the spirit of the Lord that is within you. They will feel that from the very beginning each day as you are with them. Do our daughters know that we love Jesus with all of our hearts? Do our lives show it in our actions? Can our children picture us sitting somewhere in a chair or by the bed reading God’s Word or praying every day? Do they know that you love the Lord first in your life?

A spiritual mother develops closeness with their daughter so that they don’t feel loneliness or a feeling of confusion. She instills in them that their purpose in life is God’s glory. We as mothers should teach her that in all the decisions that she makes in her life that she asks the Lord. “Doing everything to God’s glory” I Corinthians 10:31.

The strongest thing that we can give our daughters is teaching them the Word of God. There they can rest assured for everything in their lives. When the temptations come for our daughters to go to feelings they will learn from us mothers that it is to the Word of God that we go to for faith and Love. We must be wise women of faith and warn our daughters too of the temptations of life and ungodliness also.

Mothers should always be in prayer for their daughters. We should pray specifically about the areas that God wants to teach our daughters so that we can apply the scriptures that God wants us to apply to our daughter’s lives for every situation. This means then mothers, that we must know our daughters very well so that we can rightly divide the truth of God’s Word for their lives. Let us not as mothers spend too much time on happiness for our daughters but spend time on holiness for our daughters.

Another important thing to teach our daughters is how much God loves them. God doesn’t use a measuring cup to determine how much He loves them according to how good they are. He loves them. They don’t have to keep working for that love. That love for them is there all the time.

Nurturing continues for us mothers to our daughters even into Adulthood. God Bless each of us as we seek His guidance in nurturing our daughters.