November 9, 2009


Rich Frugality
By Sarah Nelson

A lesson God has been teaching me is that living frugally doesn’t mean living poorly. When I think we have less, is often when I discover we have more. The times I’ve fretted about what we will eat, and what will we wear, I open our pantry and closets, and while I don’t find cashmere or caviar inside of them, I find more than enough to keep us fed and clothed. I am reminded of the Scripture promise from Jesus in Matthew 6:25: “For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?

While I still have much to learn in the area of frugal living, I’d like to share a few ideas that have helped our family.

Food: I cook up large amounts of dried pinto and black beans to stretch soups, stews, and chili. Lentils, cooked just till tender, are a great ground meat extender. Our consumption of sweets, including homemade, has been cut back. When fruits and veggies are in season, I prep and freeze as much as possible for later use. Soda has become a rare treat, including my Diet Coke. Preparing as much food as possible from scratch with basic ingredients has been our biggest saver.

Clothing: When there is a need, I search our local thrift stores first, hit garage sales when possible, and if necessary check out the clearance racks. Adding a new scarf, necklace, or layering sweater can easily update an entire outfit for the fraction of the cost.

Entertainment: We cut out our TV cable service and found our local library to be a great resource for not only terrific books, but for good family DVD’s. Eating in rather than eating out, board game nights at home, and getting outside to enjoy creation are other richly frugal activities.

Gifts: I’ve re-discovered the joy of making gifts from the heart. This years Christmas gifts include aprons from a vintage sheet and matching p.j.’s from fabric I had on hand. Go through your cupboards and closets and find what you can fashion into something new.

Decorating: The urge to strip my orange and brown flowered wallpaper and cover my mint green painted walls colors is strong, but it must wait. A decorating friend came and arranged pictures and furniture into a pleasing arrangement, making our home transform from eye-popping clashing to eclectic cozy in style. Re-arrange, and swap talents with a neighbor and see what you come up with for little to no cost.

Most importantly, I’ve learned to trust on God more. What should and can we all do during these times? Pray! We have seen His provision for us through gifts of groceries, paper products, and clothing. He truly sees our needs, and yours. God hears you, loves you, and cares for you. Live frugally and see how rich you are in the love of the Lord!