July 10, 2012


Calendars and schedules are useful tools that assist us in our attempt to be organized, but they offer us no help in setting our priorities and  our limits! We need to be thinking and praying about our priorities daily, BEFORE we come to our calendars!

The book by Charles Bradshaw and Dave Gilbert entitled Too Hurried to Love, share this thought: “hurried people are the ones who have said yes to so many things that now they seem to be on the verge of panic! Just observing their lives brings to mind the school-yard rhyme:  When in trouble, when in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.”  Psalm 39:4-7 encourages us to redirect our focus on the eternal.  Our Creator offers us wisdom about calendars, schedules, priorities, and limits.  He had the challenge of a busy life when He was on earth too.  The kinds of complexities that tie most of us up in knots never seemed to concern Jesus.  He kept His life focused by setting limits.  He chose twelve (not twelve hundred!) into whom He would pour His life for  3 years (note!  end date in mind!)

Rather than getting caught in the success trap that says bigger is better and  that enough is never enough, he chose to own only those things He could easily carry with Him as He walked. His ability to set limits was the reason He could focus fully on the moment rather than fuss around with a million worrisome concerns!  Let’s learn from His example—spending time with the Father, focusing on eternal issues, and setting appropriate limits.

I’m encouraging you, dear, godly woman! I’m praying for you to step out and follow the One who knows each of our personal limits and is the Trustworthy One to follow!