January 23, 2012


GOD’S WORD- Eternal Truth

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.’ Isaiah 55:8-9

A little girl who comes into the house with mud on her shoes cannot hide her tracks. The mud must be removed. My sin leaves tracks, sometimes in my own spirit, that usually affect those around me. Several Sunday afternoons ago I was well on my way to a pity party. None of our children had called even though we had not seen them for some time. Instead of reaching out to help someone else who might also be lonesome, I felt very sorry for myself. Turning to study for an upcoming Bible lesson sent me to a verse I’d never noticed before. ”So if a person lives many years, let him rejoice in them all, but let him remember that the days of darkness will be many.” I was amazed at the timing and the message. Yes, I have many years. Come to think of it, I do rejoice! “And expect some dark days”--- lonesome days can feel like dark days. I can expect those, wise King Solomon said. A prayer for forgiveness for my attitude changed my perspective. God’s Word, His words, changed dark to light. And then, as if to accentuate the message, I came upon this word in Psalm 118, “Glad songs of salvation are in the tents of the righteous.” My house had not been joyous but I want it to be.

And again, last week, a deep disappointment sent me searching. Amy Carmichael helped this time. I read and re-read the Words of God she had chosen and the words of her own writing. In time my thoughts turned from hurt to a prayer for forgiveness. God’s Word changed dark to light. Today news came that a dear friend, someone much younger than I, one who has touched me deeply, is dying from cancer. I am sad to my core. But I am not “losing” a friend because I know her destination. God’s Word, through His promises, changes the darkness of sad news to hope.

“’For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,’ declares the LORD. ‘For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.’” Sometimes I want to stay in my dark closet. I think I have a right to be hurt; sometimes I find it difficult to believe God would forgive me again. Yes, even in my gray years such challenges continue to come. A dark closet is lonely. I need Light! His Light is the cure for my dark times. My distorted thought, my sins, are known to Him. “His ways are immeasurably higher than my ways” reminds me of my need and God’s resolution. I John 1:9 is another revelation of God’s way, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

Our God is awesome! His conviction is a gift. His forgiveness is a gift. He, the One who is exalted above all others, sends Word that He will abundantly pardon—that means again and again. We can be cleaned and “go out in joy and be led forth in peace.” (Isaiah 55:12)