January 23, 2012


( Mistakes and all)

First of all when I think of all of the mistakes that I have made as a Christian woman it overwhelms me so badly that I feel like I am in a locked cage. That is why I cannot concentrate on my mistakes

I have to remember that He is working with my imperfections to do what His will is. It has taken me awhile to understand this. With my nature I am a planner, organizer and a total detailed woman. So of course, I then am the planner or the doer and God is pushed out of the situations many times. I am always pushing myself out of the way and stretching my arms up to the heavens and asking God to forgive me for getting in the way and then quickly stepping aside in order that God can control the situation.

God is in situations even if I am trying to order it because He is sovereign. But I do think that sometimes I get in the way and it really does slow down the process for the Lord to work. God is sovereign. Absolutely nothing happens without God knowing. So, when I make the mistakes and are not a good example of Christ or I disobeyed Him He can use the situation to accomplish what He wants with out me. But, we are to be used of God. We are called to be Ambassadors for Christ. So if I am constantly getting in the way I am not pushing forward for Christ I am in the way.

I John 1:9 comes to mind, “If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” The slate is clean and we can go on. Be careful that we do not sit in the mistakes and disobedience so much that we are no earthly good for the Lord to use.

When I sit and think of all of my mistakes then I am concentrating on the wrong and myself. I am not listening to the Lord and His leading in my life in order that I may be used for Him in a certain situation.

Sometimes, as I have experienced there is nothing we can do in situations and then too we must stretch out our hands and say Lord I am here if you want to use me please do, but I can’t see how anything in this situation is useable. We then are empty of what we are and God is now in control

So let us not concentrate on the mistakes that we have made or wrong doings or disobedience. Let us concentrate on asking for forgiveness and leave it at the cross and continue to be used even though we don’t think we can be used. Always remember that God is Sovereign. He doesn’t want our perfections He wants our availability even in our imperfections. He wants us.