July 8, 2010


"Continuing in our series on Biblical Womanhood concerning the topic:

The Authority Structure that
Releases Women to Fulfill their Creation Design.

We teach our children that mom and dad are the authority at home – as well; we need to teach them that the Elders, (Deacons, Church Council) are the authority in the church. We all, as members of the church, voluntarily place ourselves in submission to them. As we do this submitting voluntarily, we are positioning ourselves to receive the blessings, benefits and protection of the church.

We as redeemed helpers are not threatened by this type of headship in the church, instead we value God’s design and order. Redeemed women know that this submission has nothing to do with status, but has to do with function. This is similar to the functional submission in the Holy Trinity (as explained further in a previous article.) Submission is built into the way God has ordered life in the kingdom, and it is good because God is good. Headship and submission are God’s ordained order for achieving oneness in marriage and unity in the church.

Those of us who are married want our husband to be a leader who cherishes us – but we don’t want to be coddled. Coddling will lead to immaturity and weakness. In 1978, when I was in the process of being healed from an acute depression, my husband learned this truth – I had remained immature and weak because of being coddled. He learned skills that enabled me to be strong and carry on the daily routine when he was absent – yet I remained submissive to him as the head of our home and family. You too are strongest when you fulfill all your duties in the strength of the Lord, and under the headship of your husband.