July 8, 2010


Liberated Through Submission

Sometimes we get submission and surrender mixed up when we are thinking about submissiveness. Let’s look at some definitions. Submission according to Webster’s Dictionary defines the word submit as ‘to Yield,’ which is voluntary. Submission in our world today and in the past has not received the right definition applied to it by many. When the word submission is stated the thoughts go more towards Surrender. According to Webster’s Dictionary surrender means “to give oneself up into the power of another.” The word surrender is a military term. It means a war is taking place and someone wins and someone will lose. Submission is yielding it is not a war.

Did you know that submission is powerful because it operates on faith? “Without faith it is impossible to please God.” Heb. 11:6. Whether we are talking to married women or single women in the ministry we must explain to them that it is faith that submission operates on. God is the intervention and we must allow Him to do so. A small example is the yield sign when we are driving. We must yield to the other car that may be coming. Yielding is submission. While we operate on faith patience is one of the largest ingredients in submission. Yet, by today’s standards to have patience only means that we are releasing control of the situation. When we don’t have the patience to wait and the faith to believe then sometimes God can’t intervene. We simply get in the way and try to figure out how best we can handle the situation. Submission then has stopped and we are standing in the way of the Lord’s intervention.

A constant prayer over the situation is immensely important. Talking and praying to the Lord. Even saying one word that reminds you of the situation in prayer helps us to get back on track and to have faith and patience. This allows you then to yield again to the Lord’s intervention. Let’s try to make submission to God, to our husbands and situations a priority in our lives.