March 4, 2010

NEEDS OF THE REAL WORLD (ministering effectively)

**Practical ways to live out the truths you are reading

By Mary Pollestad

What is a picture of a woman who is used by God? What comes to your mind when you ask yourself, “Am I a portrait of a woman used by God”? I think there are several areas that come to our minds if we were sitting in a group of ladies right now. Let’s try and look at some of these. First and foremost she is a woman who is in the Word of God daily. When we are women who are in the Word of God we will then be able to respond in a right manner to everything in our lives because our lives are built on the Lord and His Word. A woman used by God has only one agenda and one focus that of Jesus Christ. She doesn’t think of herself first. Also her heart is willing and open to Gods’ leading to be used.

I think of an ordinary woman. We don’t have to be extraordinary in our talents and abilities God uses ordinary people like you and me.

Secondly, the picture is of a woman who knows it is only because of God’s grace that she can be who she is.

Thirdly women are nurturers and if we are women who love God we have been chosen to do that very thing. Nurturing other women in the Faith of the Lord Jesus. This may be a young woman at church or even as a young woman you can nurture other older women.

Fourthly, it is a woman who listens intently to the Holy Spirit. A portrait of a woman used by God actually listens all day long to the words that the Holy Spirit may say to her. She is always mindful of the Spirit. She also listens to the Spirit and does what the Spirit leads her to do even if it means she has to get out of her comfort zone.

Fifthly she does not have a negative spirit. She believes in her Lord. She talks of what He can do for her and for others. She doesn’t whine when the tough things come along. She goes forth believing that God is in control and He will help her through all of it.

Also this is a woman who is available. This may mean even pulling your car over and parking so that you can help a woman who has called you on your cell phone and she needs you to listen to her right now. Or maybe talking to your 13 year old daughter who needs to talk and you only have 10 minutes to get the supper ready for the family. Or, talking to a grandmother who is very disheartened because her grandchildren are not going to Sunday School. Maybe even helping out a sick one whose family is exhausted as care givers.

These are only a few items in the picture. How many more can you add for yourself as you look at the Portrait of a Woman Used By God?