January 4, 2010


By Cheryl Skordahl

A helper? Hopefully you don’t think that sound denigrating. Many women, world wide, react to the word helper in this negative way. But would that reaction be accurate when compared to the truth in the Word of God?

Genesis 1:27 says,
“God created man in his own image, in the image of God He created him;
male and female He created them.”

The man and the woman were equal, but different. Being created in God’s image gives identity and purpose. There is no preferential treatment in our union with Christ, but God’s design and order is clearly delineated in Galatians 3:28 where Paul writes,

“It is not good for the man to be alone, I will make a helper suitable for him.”
God’s design for woman is that she be a helper.

But, why didn’t God want man to be alone? Prior to the creation, God was alone, and man and woman were called into being because the Lord yearned for relationships. Recalling that human kind is created in God’s image helps us to realize why people also yearn for a relationship with God and with each other. The unity of marriage is where we see gender distinctiveness flowing out of equality in a complementary way. The male/female distinctiveness was essential before God gave His approval on this creation by saying: “It is very good.”

The Hebrew word “ezer” is primarily translated “helper.” In the Old Testament it refers to God as our helper. Considering that God is our helper causes us to reflect on the richness and strength of this word. This same word “ezer” is used in Exodus 18:4 when Moses spoke of God as his helper, saving him from Pharaoh’s sword. In Psalms 10:14; 72:12; and 86:17 we read that God is the helper of the victim, the fatherless, the needy, and the afflicted. In other Psalms God is also referred to as a helper who is our support, strength, and shield. (20:2; 27:7; 33:20)

Today’s hostile feminist philosophy, which says that equality means sameness between male and female has brought chaos and confusion to our world. The original helper design God gave woman has been marred by this feminist belief system, and now many think of womanhood in terms of their own self-fulfillment, their own completeness, their own authority, their own happiness.

The helper design that God gave us at creation is intrinsic to who we are. It does not change with these whims of culture – it is never outdated. The word “helper” is indicative of a life-giving ministry of nurture, defense, and comfort of others. May the Lord be a helper to AFLC pastor’s wives, that we be characterized in the scriptural manner.