January 4, 2010

NEEDS OF THE REAL WORLD (ministering effectively)

**Practical ways to live out the truths you are reading

A Wife’s Responsibility to Help Her Husband

Here are some helpful and some practical ways in which to help our husbands. First of all, the more that I study the Word the more I will grow in my faith. The more that I grow in my faith the more I will be able to be open to the Holy Spirit and His leading in order to help my husband more.

The word help makes us think of assisting or lending a helping hand. When a wife thinks of it that way and keeps Christ at the center of her life then it puts helping into perspective.

Another important thing to remember when we want to get involved in something or add to our duties is to ask ourselves is what I want to do going to help my husband. If we keep this in our hearts and minds at all times it will sometimes help deter us from doing something that will only hinder and not help our husbands. f we honor this God will truly bless us.

Praying for our husbands is one of the best things we can do to help our husbands. This sometimes seems like it doesn’t have much value in helping our husband but it truly does. You can talk to the Lord about many things for your husband and he will be blessed and the Holy Spirit will reveal things to him.

Let’s take our instruction from the scripture. The proverbs 31 lady watches over the affairs of her household. She is a caretaker of the house. Also her husband trusts in her. If our husbands trust in us they know that whatever needs to be done will be done. They don’t have to worry or try to get it done themselves. They will trust in us.

Let’s ask ourselves these questions. Do I manage my time that helps my husband or serves my agenda? Do I care for my home in a manner that helps my husband or serves myself?

Helping means to assist to carry on with what is needed and to take instruction and follow through. Helping our husband could be just sitting and listening to him talk. Maybe taking care of something for him that he needs to get done but doesn’t have time.

Putting our husbands ahead of ourselves is important. Sometimes that means putting aside all of our plans for the day and doing that which he may need or want us to do. We will be blessed if we do that. God understands that we have sometimes a lot to do but God will provide the time to finish what we need to do if we have put our husbands first ahead of what we have to do.

Some more practical ways are making sure he has clean clothes, ironed shirts and prepared food for him. Also make sure he has time to devote to his work. If he takes care of his work then he can concentrate on you and the family. Be a good steward of what you and your husband have. Maybe our home isn’t always clean but keeping an orderly home will also make a comfortable home.

With all the pressures of work sometimes our husbands need us to remind him of things that he needs to do. Being a list maker for him will sometimes help him stay on top of things that need to be done.

Another way you can help your husband is to make some time for dates with him. Also make time for you and him to be alone. Alone time is good for prayer, communication and sharing blessings and concerns.

Wives have a wonderful position that the Lord has provided for us. It is a wonderful role. It is wonderful to be a woman and to know that God has provided a definite role for us according to scripture.