March 15, 2012



If I have so much confidence in myself that I leave God out on most parts of my life I will immediately experience as a child of God struggles within. God continually reminds me with a still small voice that I am resting in my own abilities or self-confidence and I am not asking or leaving situations over to the Lord. The thing we have to remember is that when He created us He did not create robots. He created us with a will. He loves us so much and wants us to follow His will but we have to turn our will over to His will. So in every situation in my life I must allow God to have a part in every one. He knows already the outcome of everything but He wants me to verbally by mouth or thought give that over to Him.

It is when I continue day by day doing everything on my own and not giving the day and the situations over to him that I feel frustrated, anxious, angry, worried, and stressful. I then have to learn that I need to leave every situation of my day or the situations that I know are coming my way tomorrow over to Him. I know that I have heard that saying many times by pastors and teachers but to listen to that saying and to do it actually myself is two different things. I need to give my will over to His will.

Sometimes, and probably more than I would like to admit lately, I get going doing my own will and don’t ask God what He thinks nor do I ask Him to handle certain situations. He allows me to go ahead and do my own will. Sometimes I listen to the Holy Spirit speaking to me to give that over to the Lord, quicker than others and sometimes I don’t. When I don’t then I experience my heart so heavy and anxiousness comes so strongly to my body that I wonder what is going on. Then I remember that I am handling the situation myself and I have not given it over to the Lord or asked Him to tell me what to do and my worry has overtaken me.

When I consistently give the Lord every situation of the day and the next day over to Him the peace that I feel inside me is so comforting. It is so peaceful. I sometimes say why do I forget this peacefulness so quickly and get into the stressful anxious worrisome body and heart. Why do I not listen quicker and react towards the Heavenly Father to experience His love and care for me and show His glory through the situation. I have experienced many times lately when I have not known what to do that I have just simply stated a small statement,” I don’t know what to do Lord, you are going to have to tell me where to go or what to do.” Then I just wait and each time God does give me the answer. It is in my mind a total miracle and closeness to the Lord that I cannot express in words.

I am learning to allow myself to have God –Confidence instead of Self-Confidence. It is a continual process for me and one that I am learning every day. I claim the Bible verses Proverbs 3:5, 6. Trust in the Lord will all of thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.