November 15, 2011


Those Prepared are Usually Spared

As pastor’s wives we are placed in the special position of getting asked lots of questions seeking advice on a variety of topics. One subject that I have been asked about, is how do we protect our children and church's children from child predators. Most likely the question has come up in your church family. This is a difficult subject with one reason being the fact that the majority of child predators are family and friends. It’s not enough to tell our young to be wary of strangers. Our children are gifts from God. We need not leave these precious treasures defenseless but rather should arm them with information and instruction in how to identify and respond if a sexual predator makes an advance.

Several years ago, two books came to my attention(which I now recommend) which deal with this delicate issue. They are, Samuel Learns to Yell and Tell and Sara Sue Learns To Yell and Tell, by the Christian author Debi Pearl. These books are directed toward the young child up through early adolescence. Yell & Tell are written in a musical rhyme much like the old Concordia children’s books . Young Samuel is discreetly challenged by his mother and Sara Sue instructs her little sister to consider how to respond if faced with situations concerning sexual advances. More information is in the back of the book directed at parents. We are admonished to be wise and proactive, but not paranoid. One point that struck me was that if we as parents and churches are open with the fact that our children are on the alert for unwanted advances, and that they will “yell and tell” that predators will be less likely to strike our church or family. This is not a subject to be quiet about.

Samuel Learns to Yell & Tell is written from a Christian perspective with biblical encouragement, while Sara Sue Learns to Yell & Tell is directed towards the wider audience. I would encourage every family to own the set and to read them many times over. Giving a child this simple knowledge is arming them with wisdom to always yell and always tell. I was happy to find these books and put them in my library. They can be used as another tool given to parents as they seek to protect their children from those who would do them harm. The old adages “knowledge is power,” and forewarned is forearmed” holds true. It is only after you recognize the enemy that you can formulate an effective campaign against him. May we daily uphold our children in pray and seek His wisdom in how we are to guide and protect them . These books are available online on Amazon and