September 7, 2012



In the stillness of the morning I sit and listen outside by my table.  I hear the sounds that God has given us.  A few birds are starting to wake up and the breeze is coming over my face.  There is a sound of leaves rustling in the trees.  I am only listening to the sounds that God has provided. 

Sometimes I find it very hard to be quiet.  I think that I am not being productive unless I am busy.   God wants us to be still.  Guaranteed I do not always have the large amount of time to just sit and be quiet in His Presence.   But even the little amount of time is what He wants of me. 

What is being still in His presence?  That is a pondering question.  Have you ever waited for something in anticipation and when you received it it was so exciting?  It is the same with being still in His presence.  If you sit and meditate on the Word and pray listening to the Holy Spirit waiting on Him you will feel excited or peaceful or thankful.  Whatever it is that God wants to tell you He will in His time during that time of quietness.  

If I took more time to be still in the presence of God I would probably hear more from Him.  He longs to talk with His children and to teach them.  God has so much to teach me.  In order to receive those teachings I need to be quiet in His presence and listening.   Psalm 37:7a “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him.”  Sometimes I have to wait for a while to hear what the Spirit has to say but the important thing for me to remember is to “be still and wait patiently for Him” 

Being still in His presence is not having an agenda of my own.   It is being in God’s agenda.  When we are still in His presence we are waiting on Him for the answers and it is not according to our agenda.   My agenda is let’s do it now Lord.  But I know that I must wait on Him.   His perfect plan is the best.  His perfect agenda is the best.  If we believe that God is in control then we will also believe that He will teach us by us being “Still in His presence.” 

So let us make the time and discipline our lives to spend the quiet time with our Lord and wait “Being Still in His Presence”