An Interview With Judy Franz
Judy Franz is the wife of Peter Franz serving Grace Free Lutheran in Maple Grove, Minnesota. They have seven children and three grandchildren.
When I asked Judy what ministry she was involved in at Grace Free Lutheran she said, “Well first it would be to support my husband.” “She said, “Praying for him, encouraging him and attending the activities of the church.” “My personality is of a helping nature, so wherever I can help is where I am most comfortable.” She supports the women’s leaders and ministries in the church but being involved in children’s ministries whether it is teaching Sunday School or VBS is probably where she feels the most comfortable.
Judy had several encouraging thoughts for all of us. 1) Keep close to God through Bible Reading and Prayer. Allow every situation to cause you to grow closer to Christ. Make Jesus your closest friend. 2) Pray about everything to lift the burden of worry. Ask God to be in control of any interruptions in the day. 3) Support your husband and care for your children. Make the home to be a place where they can be refreshed to face the pressures of the outside world. 4) Don’t compare yourself to other pastor’s wives. God has given us all different talents and characteristic, and different energy levels and we are all at different stages of our lives. Do what you believe that God wants you to do after seeking Him about this. 5) Show appreciation for kindnesses of others. 6) Be a friend to all women in your church 7) Be an encourager smiles don’t cost anything so give them away. 8) Say hi to the woman who is standing alone in church. 9) Don’t gossip. 10) Focus on the blessings of the church you are in because it is not always greener on the other side of the fence. 11) All pastor’s wives feel inadequate sometimes. We worry if we are doing enough and often get down on ourselves. Ask for God’s guidance and do your best knowing God will bless your efforts. Satan tries to destroy us with discouragement. 12) Have joy in serving Jesus because what is done for Him has eternal value.
Judy’s favorite verse is Psalm 121:1,2. It was a favorite verse of her mother’s and it has special meaning to her also. I lift up my eyes to the hills where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.