May 6, 2011


Book Review

"One Thousand Gifts"

by Ann Voskamp

With tears of repentance over past resentments and grumblings and combined with expressions of joy over new insights into God's Word and his patience with me, I finished reading, "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp. There is not one of us that does not seek after joy . . . . yes, . . . that fullness of joy our Lord promised (John 15:11). Time and again Voskamp cements the truth in our minds that God's gift of the feeling of joy begins in the act of thanksgiving. In her beautiful style of poetic language we read Voskamp's work as though she has let us see her private diary. She shows how thanksgiving . . . .yes, gratitude . . . "gently peeled back the layers of her wounds to heal." She leads her readers to a deeper understanding of gratitude by sharing her struggles and joys as a writer, global advocate for the poor, farmer's wife and homeschooling mother of "half a dozen kids." Voskamp's book also gave me that "Aha" moment as to the benefits of a previous book I had neglected to finish by Nancy DeMoss and it gave me the desire to pick it up again. In her book, "Choosing Gratitude," DeMoss re-affirmed and drove home the new insights I had learned. She saturates our minds with Scripture and very skillfully connects the dots from gratitude . . . to joy . . . to worship. In our worship we are reminded that this too is possible, . . . to give thanks for our thorns through God's endless grace. Oh to see that grace . . .to give thanks . . . and to find joy which leads us to true worship. Because life is always changing, bringing new challenges and new responses, these two books have a prominent place on my bookshelf and will doubtless be re-read in my lifelong process of achieving a grateful heart. The choice is always there. When we choose gratitude and a lifestyle of thanksgiving and receive God's grace, we will experience joy and participate in true worship.