From the book THE EXCELLENT WIFE by Martha Peace
From the book THE EXCELLENT WIFE by Martha Peace
Here’s an elementary question: “Who was created first, Adam or Eve?” Does this order have any significance when thinking about the roles of husband and wife?
Recently I watched the movie “Fire Proof” again. The scene when the firemen (with the help of bystanders) were pushing the car off the tracks as the train approached unable to stop, was once again a traumatic experience for me. As I write this article, I am reminded that each one was aware of the danger but more importantly they were aware of the critical importance of the teamwork, as the captain counted “1,2,3, push!” They functioned together as a team with one goal in mind – the safety of those trapped in the vehicle. Just as a local fire department is assigned roles (everyone is not the captain), God has assigned a particular role for the wife and husband. If our goal is to glorify God, we must understand and accept God’s perspective in our relationships. He is the mighty one who has the insight of both Creator and Redeemer. Open your Bibles as you study the next paragraphs –
Men and women are created in the image of God. “…in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them.” (Gen 1:27.)
Man was created first, then woman was created to be his helper. “…for indeed man was not created for the woman’s sake, but the woman for man’s sake.” (I Cor. 11:9) The Trinity can be used as a role model because within the Trinity there are three distinct roles. The planner – God the Father, the one who carried out the plans – God the Son, the one who empowers Christians – God the Spirit. Here is perfect harmony, no role confusion. Look up Jn. 9:4; 8:28,29; 14:26; 16:13,14; 17:4 and ask the Lord to lead you into His truth. In marriage, just as Christ glorified the Father by doing the Father’s “work,” we are to glorify our husbands by doing the husband’s “work.” Your role is to glorify your husband. You were created for him. Gen 3:16, Eph 5:22 – 24, 32.
“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her.” Christ actually died, sacrificed Himself for the sake of the church, as husbands sacrifice themselves for the sake of their wives. Further, “…husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies…nourishes and cherishes…” Eph 5:28,29,33.
Practically speaking, what are some ways a pastor’s wife may be the glory of her husband? Here are a few ideas I gleaned from the book:
Ask your husband: What are your goals for the week? How can I help you accomplish them? Is there anything I can do that would make it easier for you? Possibilities include – run errands for him, be available to help with projects, pray for him, make good suggestions and give him the freedom not to use your suggestions.
Consider your husband over children, parents, friends, job, Bible studies, etc.
Talk about him in a positive light to others. Do not slander at all, even if what you could say is true.
Make him breakfast to help him get off to a good start, take care in recording telephone messages, keep careful record of money spent to keep the budget in order.
Be warm and gracious to family, friends, and congregational members. Make your commitment to your husband obvious to all.
There are many other worthwhile suggestions on page 55 of The Excellent Wife.