Book Review
LOVE IS A VERB – (“Stories of What Happens When Love Comes Alive”)
by Gary Chapman (from Bethany House Publishers)
by Gary Chapman (from Bethany House Publishers)
In the mug tree on my kitchen counter is a favorite which says “Let all you do be done in love” (I Corinthians 16:14). Perhaps I was led to read Love is a Verb because of the need to be often reminded of the above verse, for my “old nature” doesn’t always want to act or respond in love. I have also appreciated the concepts in Gary Chapman’s book The Five Love Languages, but in either case, I was attracted to this newer book which gives encouragement to never stop loving.
Included in this book are 40 different true stories about ordinary people who made the choice to love through the vast stresses and complexities of modern day human relationships. Any adult reader can “connect” with their challenges and relate to many of their personal situations. These examples express a “demonstrated” kind of love. This love needs to be evident in our marriages, to our families, our parishioners, our co-workers, friends, and even to those among us whom we may perceive as unlovable. Real and visible love can and does make a difference.
After each story the author highlights a key element that can help and inspire one to put love into action. Sometimes that action may mean just “being there” for the person we care about. At other times there are more tangible ways to show love. It’s not just about “Me,” for love is an investment of one’s self in another. “It’s not about who other people are, or how they treat us or what they do to make us value them. It begins with you, and it’s not primarily about what you say or feel. Instead, love is an action word; it’s a choice you have to make. Love is a verb.”
Six Little Words with the Power to Change Your Life
Living Proof Live with Beth Moore for Ministers Wives
How would you sum up your life in 6 words? That is the question Beth Moore asks as she shares with ministers wives in this digital download. Teaching from the book of Galatians Beth focuses on the unique challenges faced by wives whose husbands serve in ministry. Ministry is hard. If you have ever felt worn out and frustrated or even at a loss how to serve this series will be of great encouragement to you.
As Beth gives 6 aggravations in ministry she also provides 6 Biblical alternatives or responses. For example, aggravation number 2 is: Seek Their Approval, Become Their Slave. She asks the question, “Who is it that you need approval from?” When we look for approval from others it puts us in a love/hate relationship with them. We play into people’s vanity when we seek their approval. We also need to be careful to not allow a rebellious spirit to seek people’s disapproval. The Alternative is: Seek God’s Approval, Find Your Peace. As we develop and deepen our relationship with God, He will help us to focus on what He wants us to do and will show us where our energies should go. As Beth states, “Let your Savior tend to you!” Beth encourages women in ministry to reconnect with that first grace of Christ.
Beth also addresses the fact that the biggest problem for ministers’ wives is loneliness. Women were made for deep friendships. But, as another aggravation states: Work with People, Expect Titanic Problems. When we find ourselves getting short with people, getting cranky, it is time for refreshing! There are 3 dangers in this aggravation: competition, outright conflict and criticism. Learn to recognize the red flags. Remember, in every conflict our fight is not against flesh and blood, but evil powers and principalities. Every day we need to be sure to put on the “armor of God”. We are to choose to trust and let the Lord guide us in those friendships. Seek Him and His refreshing so that we may always be a blessing even in the difficult places.
One can find this download at the Lifeway Publishing website listed under downloads. It is reasonably priced and once purchased and downloaded to your computer it is yours to revisit again and again. The series is divided into two 60 minute sessions and one 30 minute session. Personally this teaching gave me valuable insight, encouragement and renewed my spirit. I can guarantee that you will need a box of tissues by the end. I pray her words will encourage you as they did me. As Beth states, “Remember, we serve the King!” How awesome is that?