Quietness of the Wife’s Spirit
My mother always said to me when I was young and first married, “Mary, a little bit of honey makes the medicine go down.” I knew she was right but my selfishness, differentness and self-rightousness would take over and I didn’t want to do what my mother suggested. She was suggesting that the honey is the Word of God and prayer. The best way to communicate to my husband in a biblical manner when conflict arose was in a Godly manner. I needed to find out what that Godly manner by using the Word of God and prayer as my guide. Unity is difficult because we all sin but it is one of the most important things to keep between a husband and wife.
My negative thoughts of: he is impossible, or it’s no use, or the problems are too big to be solved need to be changed into correct biblical thoughts. When these thoughts are turned to biblical thinking, then I can work through conflict. I need to be transformed by the renewing of my mind. (Romans 12:2) Instead my thoughts should be, “What can I do differently to make it easier for us to solve this conflict. My selfishness needed and still needs to be changed as it says in Philippians 2:3 says “Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself.” Selfishness only leads to conflict in a marriage.
It is amazing how continuous wrong thoughts without biblical thoughts influence our emotions and they take over and make it almost impossible to resolve the conflict. Our natural heart wants its own way.
I need to learn how to respond when conflict arises. I need humility, gentleness, patience and forbearance. God gets the credit when obedience to His Word and prayer achieves and maintains unity and peace with my husband.