January 8, 2011


HEALTH for BODY (Physical) SOUL (Mind, Will, Emotions) SPIRIT (Spiritual)


They are vital for digestion, nutrition, health and longevity. As newborns, we produce 100 times more enzymes than an elderly person. As we age, production decreases. Our liver manufactures enzymes as needed. We task our liver to do this when we eat too much cooked food with “dead” enzymes. This taxes our immune system because it over taxes our liver: the principle immune organ. Low production of enzymes in the body leads to poor nutrition, aging, disease and death. Two sources of enzymes we can use to improve those levels are eating raw or steamed foods with live enzymes and enzyme supplements.

Live enzymes are in raw foods – vegetables, fruits, nuts, sprouted nuts, sprouted grains and sprouted legumes. Digestive enzyme supplements contain live enzymes. Raw foods and supplements help improve poor digestion and the absorption of nutrients from the foods we eat.

Cooked or processed food over 118 degrees destroys the enzymes in the food. Cooking contributes to nutrient loss. When cooked foods are eaten, our bodies react as if it has an acute illness. Within 30 minutes of eating the cooked food, our white blood cell count increases dramatically. Pasteurization, sterilization, radiation, freezing and microwaving makes food enzymes useless or alters the food’s structure. Cooked food still can be eaten but reduce it to 1/3 of your diet.

Fiber is essential for proper elimination. By middle age many people have about 20 pounds of undigested food in their colon. If nothing is done about it, our bodies begin a self-poisoning process, which weakens the immune system. Fiber is found in raw foods or grains such as ground flax.

Our bodies make 300,000 million new cells every minute. The question we need to ask is, “What are our bodies making those cells from?” Answer: “The food we give it!”

Resolve: Let’s eat responsibly!

Resources: Food Enzymes by Tonita d’Raye and http://www.hacres.com/