Older Women mentoring Younger Women
a covenantal approach
a covenantal approach
The past articles in this year’s series have dealt with what Biblical womanhood is and how it relates to us personally. Yes, how we grow in our relationship with the Lord is personal but it is not individualistic. This means that when we come into His family-the family of God- we are also related to his other children we are accepted by Him by His grace. He accepts us and forgives us and then that grace we receive is to be given to others. This is NOT a way of isolation and independence. We are our brothers and sister’s keepers. Women nurturing/mentoring women is simply one way we live this out It is NOT an option. The easiest way this is done is when it is crafted by the church and will teach God’s truth about womanhood. However, the Titus 2 mandate can’t just be a program in our church . It is to be the lifestyle that we live out daily. We , as women, are created to be a helper, life-givers, and supporting pillars. These are concepts that have practical implications for the women’s ministry in a local church. And it probably will take some programming in the church to start this. Ask yourself these tough questions: How is your women’s ministry enabling your church to obey Titus 2;3-5? What opportunities are women provided to develop nurturing relationships with one another? In what settings are girls and teens being taught the principles of biblical womanhood? May God give us grace and wisdom to develop women’s ministries in our local churches that teach His daughters the TRUTH about biblical womanhood and equip them to be life-giving. supporting, pillars for the glory or God and the advancement of His kingdom.