An Interview With
Faith Nelson
Faith Nelson
Faith Nelson is the wife of Pastor Eldon Nelson. She has four children and six grandchildren. As Faith looks back over the years that she was in churches and living in Minneapolis while her husband served as Home Mission director she recalls blessings, encouragements and the Lord’s leading in her life. When I asked Faith what she was involved in for ministry she promptly stated, “I mainly was caring for my family.” “Sometimes it is all you get done.” “I found this to be true especially with a handicapped child.” I allowed the Lord to use me wherever needed in ministry.” “I didn’t come with my own agenda into a church.” Later on Faith was involved in music, children and women’s ministries. Later God opened the doors to allow her to have a day care in her home. She was able to touch a lot of children’s lives and her life was an open book to the parents.
If Faith were to encourage us it would be to say to allow the Lord to work in your life and allow Him to focus on our spiritual growth. She said, “I experienced a tremendous amount of growth in my spiritual walk having a handicapped child.” “He still is working in my life but that time was a special time for my spiritual walk with the Lord.” I noted that we should use those times to let the Lord stretch us and allow the growth to come from Him. “Yes, she said, “Spend quality and quantity time in the Word of God.” Another encouragement would be to allow our husbands to lead in the ministry and God will speak through our husbands. “Support your husband at all times,” She said. “Be submissive to our husbands even in the difficult times too” she said. Another encouragement that she had for us is that “we would be transparent to the Lord and honest and then that will allow us to be transparent to our children, husband and the people we come in contact with.” “Let the light of the Lord shine in us to glorify God.” Another encouragement would be to make our family and home life important. “Orchestrate time that you can develop good and enduring relationships.”
Romans 15:13 is Faith’s favorite Bible verse. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace, as you trust in Him so that you overflow with hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. During a difficult time in her life she looked up all the verses on hope and this one became her favorite. “We can overflow with hope from the joy and peace that He give us.”
“Always be sensitive to the Lord’s working in your life and to the needs of others. “ I find that when I am focused on others then I am not so focused on myself.” “Today many are seeking for hope.” “We live in a hopeless secular world today.