Sensing The Season
The five senses - remember learning about them in grade school? Did you do the blindfold taste test experiments? Put your hand in a bag and guess the object enclosed by just using your sense of touch? Somewhere along the way, we perhaps lose some of the wonder of the gifts God has given us through touch, sight, sound, taste, and scent. This season of all seasons, let's rediscover the use of all fives senses, as we prepare our homes for celebrating Christ's Birth!
Years ago I read a book, now out of print, that beautifully presented ideas of how to make one's home an all-around sense-filled picture of beauty. The author's main message was to make all of our holiday decorating efforts point to Christ. and to show the hope and light He is in our lives. I'd like to share some of the inspiration that book ignited in me so long ago by sharing the following ideas:
Sight - this usually impacts us first, doesn't it? Lights brightening up both the exterior and interior of our earthly homes, reminiscent of the star that lit the night sky the eve of our Savior's birth. Trees laden with precious ornaments, table linens used year after year, Christmas mugs given to us by special people - all bring back cherished Christmas memories just by their sight. Photos displayed of past Christmases can also be wonderful visual reminders of previous celebrations.
Sound - of course Christmas music brings us right to the heart of the season - the birthday of our King! Each year I try to add one new Christmas CD to my collection. It has become quite eclectic, but each selection helps me celebrate the Reason we have this Season! How about bells on your doorknob to herald the entrance of family and friends? And there is the blessed sound of silence as we make sure to spend quiet time with Jesus, contemplating His coming to earth for you and me.
Touch - a hug given and received - a wonderful Christmas feel. The comfort of your favorite cozy sweater, a soft throw on your sofa used just during this season, the warmth of a fire. Touch, it's a gift that's free! To people in your life who spend much time alone, or who are far from family, a Christmas hug can be a treasured gift.
Scents - we remember them more than we realize. The luscious smells of sugar cookies baking in the oven can quickly bring back memories of visits to Grandma's house. The scent of freshly cut pine trees brings us back to Christmases long since passed. Create new memories, and re-live old ones, through the gift of scent. Do you have a favorite candle you use this time of year? How about cutting up some orange slices, a stick of cinnamon, a few cloves, all set to simmer in some water on your stove?
Taste - so many to choose from! The enjoying of traditional foods and tasty treats bind us together as families. Our Christmas meals are a fusion of Norwegian, Brazilian, and Korean foods. Not everyone's idea of what Christmas menus consist of, but for us it holds a world of meaning. What are your family's favorite Christmas foods? Keep the traditional, and try adding a new taste or two through a new side dish, dessert, or even a new flavor of cocoa or tea.
Here are some websites/blogs I hope you find helpful as you prepare to celebrate the first coming of the King of Kings. Have a SENSATIONAL CHRISTMAS everyone!