HEALTH for BODY (Physical) SOUL (Mind, Will, Emotions) SPIRIT (Spiritual)
Read: I Corinthians 9:25-27
Read: I Corinthians 9:25-27
“What can you do consistently?” Memorable words from my doctor regarding exercise. Start with small goals – increase those goals as you become stronger.
Alternate between aerobics 3-5 times a week and stretching/strength training the other times a week. Aerobics (fast walking, running, water aerobics, etc.) brings oxygen into our bodies, builds stamina, strengthens our hearts, flushes toxins, and reduces adrenal stress. Anaerobics/Stretching/Strength Training (lifting weights, isometric contractions, weight machines, push-ups, chin-ups, stomach crunches, sit-ups, slow stretching exercises, etc.) builds strength and makes our muscles strong. Muscle burns fats and flushes toxins.
Check with your doctor first. As you find exercises you enjoy, you will be more consistent and look forward to your workouts.
Benefits of Exercise
Rapid breathing eliminates gases in our body that become harmful if they build up. Increased blood flow helps keep plaque from building up in your arteries while stimulating your liver to do its duties. Cell function improves with acceleration of carbon dioxide, oxygen and nutrient exchange. Exercise normalizes levels of cortisol, insulin, blood glucose, growth hormone, thyroid and other hormones and puts more oxygen into your brain. These are only some of the benefits of exercise. The greatest advantage of exercise is how much better it makes you feel!
Our bodies require at least 8 hours of sleep a night. Short naps are wonderful between 3 pm – 5 pm when our adrenal glands are screaming for a break (10-15 minutes is great)! We also need to take at least one day off a week. We need to guard our rest time so we can continue our duties. Another quote from a doctor, “No one has the right to your energy. Learn to say, “No.” when you need to guard your rest time.” The Lord will give us balance as we pray for wisdom!