July 8, 2010


An Interview With Pam Cherney

Pam and her husband Frank Cherney serve Trinity Free Lutheran in Janesville, WI. They have four grown daughters and ten grandchildren.

I asked Pam what she felt the Lord has shown her to be her ministry in the present church that she is in. “Well, she said, that would have to be visiting with the shut INS and those in the hospital.” “There were many years that I could not go with my husband to visit but now I can.” “It is such a blessing and I truly believe the people enjoy it also.” She said. “I would have to say the other ministry that God has given me is to take care of children.” “I remember how someone took care of our children and helped me when Frank was in Seminary and I was in Bible School.” “Now at this time in my life I am able to do that for other couples that are in need of childcare also.” Pam recited Philippians 4:13 immediately when I asked her what her favorite Bible verse was. “In our first parish, someone brought over a plaque with this verse on it and it has blessed me since.” “There has been many a time that I have gotten through with this verse.”

I asked Pam for words of encouragement for all of the pastor’s wives and she quickly stated, “Prayer”. “Prayer is the key no matter if you are 25 years in the ministry or if you are just going out for the first time.” “You can be a good listener to your husband but he still may need prayer for the situation or the problem and you can give him that.” As an empty nester she said, “That God really prepared them when the last one left.” “It is a blessing to do things with your husband that you couldn’t do before and you can both concentrate on each other.”