May 6, 2010


HEALTH for BODY (Physical) SOUL (Mind, Will, Emotions) SPIRIT (Spiritual)

“Premium Fuel”

Read: Hosea 4:6

It’s no surprise that our bodies require proper fuel to run efficiently. God made premium fuel for our bodies. Shop the outside aisles in the grocery store where “God-made” food is located – fruits, vegetables, meats, whole grains. A garden, raising our own meats and making our own breads and pasta is the best option. Second best – organic fruits, vegetables, meats, and quality, store-bought, whole grain breads and pasta. Impossible? Then you need to become a label reader. If ingredients say - enriched, preservative, nitrate or words you cannot pronounce – it’s best to stay away from them. Chemicals reek havoc within our bodies! Our bodies turn them into fat and/or can cause sicknesses (i.e., cancers, etc.). Other things to stay away from: sugar, caffeine, hydrogenated fats (i.e., peanut butter, shortening, fried foods). The Best - give our bodies what they crave – God’s food!

Water is extremely important! Our bodies are made up of approximately 70% water. We are literally an aquarium! Drink 8-10 glasses a day. Herbal teas count as a glass of water.

We should pray that our minds are not disconnected from how our bodies feel. If we feel ill, we should ask the Lord, “What can I do to change?” Food/water is an easy first step to take. We would not put muddy water in our gas tank to make our car run. Bad food/water should not go into our bodies (His Temple) - only “premium”! Make small, permanent changes and add to those changes as time goes along.


Food: Weight loss or not, this program educates proper nutrition.
Chemicals: Spray produce with equal amounts of white vinegar and purified water to dissolve chemicals. Leave on ½ hour or not – rinse in purified water.
Water: Explains water’s importance. Water filters or purifying pitchers are good choices.