May 6, 2010


By Design –God’s Distinctive Calling for Women by Susan Hunt

In the Old Testament, Zion refers to the fortified mound between the Kidron and Tyropean valleys. When David captured this area, it became known as the city of David. It sometimes refers to the temple vicinity and even to Jerusalem itself. In the new covenant, Zion has reference to the Church. As women who love the Lord, who are a part of this Church, we are the daughters of Zion. This book helps us, as women, to understand who we are as a daughter of Zion. It (the book) can be helpful in helping one understand the helper design which was stamped upon us, as woman, at creation. It reinforces the implications of our creational design by looking at women in history and contemporary women who have been and are faithful to this calling. The book presents a plea to the church to equip and mobilize women to help a hurting world and capture a culture for Christ through ministries of mercy and compassion. A must read for one who understands the times in which she lives and desires to have her life, as a daughter of Zion, glorify Him for such as time as this.