November 9, 2009


“But thank God! He gives the victory…always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.”

I Cor. 15:57-58 NLT


Your Labor in the Lord is not in Vain
By Paula Jo Nyman

I’m sitting in my empty Sunday School classroom…all the busy sounds are gone for the morning. I’m wondering why I only had one student show up for my class this morning out of seven. Perhaps there was something else going on. Or maybe I’m just not connecting with the students. Or worse yet, maybe I’m not even supposed to be teaching these kids!

Does this sound familiar to you? Maybe your “empty classroom” is wondering if you are supposed to be working with the youth in your church. Maybe it comes after a particularly hard day of homeschooling where you wonder, why am I doing this? Maybe it is when you wonder why you seem to be the only one who ever does any of the work in the WMF and what is it all for anyway?

“But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my dear brothers (and sisters), stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”

The context of this Scripture is the great “Resurrection Chapter”, 1 Corinthians 15. Paul makes the case for the Resurrection, explaining what it would be like if there had been no Resurrection. He ends by telling us what it will be like when Jesus returns and our natural bodies become spiritual bodies and imperishable. What is the victory mentioned in the verses above? It is the victory over death! THANKS BE TO GOD THAT JESUS GAVE US VICTORY OVER DEATH. Death no longer has any sting for us…THEREFORE…let nothing move you! That’s right, it says let NOTHING move you. Even when you are in your empty classroom and you feel like giving up, your labor in the Lord is not in vain. Perhaps what I taught that day was just what God wanted that one student to hear! I may never know how it impacted him but God does.

Take heart and know deep down that as you give thanks to God and continue in His work He will not let it return void!!


Rich Frugality
By Sarah Nelson

A lesson God has been teaching me is that living frugally doesn’t mean living poorly. When I think we have less, is often when I discover we have more. The times I’ve fretted about what we will eat, and what will we wear, I open our pantry and closets, and while I don’t find cashmere or caviar inside of them, I find more than enough to keep us fed and clothed. I am reminded of the Scripture promise from Jesus in Matthew 6:25: “For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?

While I still have much to learn in the area of frugal living, I’d like to share a few ideas that have helped our family.

Food: I cook up large amounts of dried pinto and black beans to stretch soups, stews, and chili. Lentils, cooked just till tender, are a great ground meat extender. Our consumption of sweets, including homemade, has been cut back. When fruits and veggies are in season, I prep and freeze as much as possible for later use. Soda has become a rare treat, including my Diet Coke. Preparing as much food as possible from scratch with basic ingredients has been our biggest saver.

Clothing: When there is a need, I search our local thrift stores first, hit garage sales when possible, and if necessary check out the clearance racks. Adding a new scarf, necklace, or layering sweater can easily update an entire outfit for the fraction of the cost.

Entertainment: We cut out our TV cable service and found our local library to be a great resource for not only terrific books, but for good family DVD’s. Eating in rather than eating out, board game nights at home, and getting outside to enjoy creation are other richly frugal activities.

Gifts: I’ve re-discovered the joy of making gifts from the heart. This years Christmas gifts include aprons from a vintage sheet and matching p.j.’s from fabric I had on hand. Go through your cupboards and closets and find what you can fashion into something new.

Decorating: The urge to strip my orange and brown flowered wallpaper and cover my mint green painted walls colors is strong, but it must wait. A decorating friend came and arranged pictures and furniture into a pleasing arrangement, making our home transform from eye-popping clashing to eclectic cozy in style. Re-arrange, and swap talents with a neighbor and see what you come up with for little to no cost.

Most importantly, I’ve learned to trust on God more. What should and can we all do during these times? Pray! We have seen His provision for us through gifts of groceries, paper products, and clothing. He truly sees our needs, and yours. God hears you, loves you, and cares for you. Live frugally and see how rich you are in the love of the Lord!


Check out these websites for “helps” in parenting, and for your walk with the Lord: (under “helps for ministers’ wives”)

Do you have some that you’d like to share with others? Please send to Faith at

How about your church’s website? Do you have a link just for the women in your church? Check this one out at (under “for women”)

Would you like to share yours with us? Please send the info to Faith at


Last week we put childproof locks on our bathroom and kitchen cupboard doors to keep our toddler safe from finding and handling our household cleaners. As I put the cleaners away behind the locked door, I began to think about how dangerous these chemicals could be to my child should she get into them. This sparked my interest into checking out how to make my own nontoxic household cleaners. (Not to mention making my own cleaners would be frugal!)

I turned to the Internet to get some ideas and recipes. I learned that there are some basic, nontoxic ingredients in homemade cleaners: baking soda and white vinegar. There are also some key ingredients: soap (dish soap or liquid castile soap-found in health food stores) olive oil, club soda, and glycerin. Many recipes call for essential oils (found in health food stores or special health food sections in some grocery stores). Essential oils disguise the smell of vinegar and some (tea tree oil) have cleaning properties.

Finding a recipe is easy by simply typing, “making household cleaners” into your search engine of choice. In my researching, I found to be a helpful website. I also came across what looks to be a helpful book by Karen Logan, Clean House Clean Planet- Clean Your House for Pennies a Day, the Safe Nontoxic Way. It is available at local bookstores or maybe at your local library


Consider a woman’s world in the early 1960’s about the time that our National WMF and AFLC came into being. Almost everyone got married and the average age for getting married was 20 years old for girls. The divorce rate was very low; chastity and virginity were virtues. Sex outside of marriage was considered shameful. Only 30% of the women worked outside the home. Life for women was very different 50 years ago! Contrast the 1950’s TV mom, June Cleaver (Leave it to Beaver) who was a happy fulfilled housewife to today’s TV icon, Ellen Degeneres, an avowed lesbian and comedian.

Ministry to women has been greatly affected by these changes in our culture. Yet the need to minister to women has never been greater!! How do we as pastor’s wives and WMF leaders effectively reach and encourage our women?
Our message must be solidly based only on God’s Word. In a recent email survey to the ladies of my church, the ladies consistently asked to dig deep into Bible study. Our message must not change but how, when and where we provide such opportunities to study God’s Word is where we can creatively adapt to reach this culture.

Take a hard look at the women already within your church, their ages and the seasons of their lives. Look at women in the neighborhoods around your home and church. What are their needs? Find out through surveys, email surveys, facebook, or just pick up the phone and ask. One church moved their women’s Bible study to Wednesday night because their children were involved in church activities that night and that freed up a night for them to be at home. Offer other studies at different times or on another days based on the schedules of all your women. One church with many young mothers just started a MOPS group to encourage these young mommies and to also reach out to their neighborhood. I know of several pastor’s wives who are effectively reaching out to their unsaved neighbors through a cooking class or a Bible study on marriage.

The needs are great and often overwhelming but my God is greater and HE IS ABLE!!! Prayerfully seek His direction to creatively minister in these days for He promises that
“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally... and it shall be given him”. James 1:5


Muirhead Pecan Pumpkin Butter DESSERT SQUARES

1 package yellow cake mix; set aside one cup
½ cup butter, melted
3 eggs, large
1 jar of Muirhead Pecan Pumpkin Butter
2 tbsp milk
1 tbsp flour
2 tbsp sugar
¼ cup butter, softened
1 tsp cinnamon
Preheat oven to 350° F. Divide yellow cake mix, placing all but one cup in a mixing bowl. Stir the melted butter and one egg into the cake mix. Press the mixture into the bottom of a greased 9" × 13" pan. Mix the jar of Muirhead Pecan Pumpkin Butter with two eggs and milk. Pour this result over the cake mix. Stir the reserved cup of cake mix with the flour, sugar, softened butter, and cinnamon. Mix together until crumbly. Sprinkle over top of the pumpkin layer. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes or until golden brown. Cool. Cut into "2 squares. Serves 24.

*** I received this recipe from Williams Sonoma company they are EXCELLENT!!! You can substitute the Muirhead Pecan Pumpkin butter for a pumpkin butter you find in your local grocery store****

Chocolate Brownie and Peanut Butter Cup Torte

1 (18-21 ounce) package brownie mix
3 eggs
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup creamy peanut butter
6 (1 1/2 ounce) peanut butter cups, bars
1 2/3 cups peanut butter chips (10 oz. pkg)
2 cups miniture marshmallows

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Spray two torte pans with nonstick cooking spray with flour. Place 8 inches circles of parchment or wax paper over centers of pans, set aside. In mixing bowl combine brownie mix, eggs, 1/2 cup oil, water and peanut butter, mix well. Divide batter between 2 pans spreading to edges. Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until centers feel firm to the touch.

Meanwhile, dice peanut butter cups, set aside. In microwavable bowl, combine peanut butter morsels and remaining 1 tbsp of oil, microwave on HIGH 1-2 minutes or until melted and smooth, stirring after each 30 second interval. Spoon 1/4 cup of the peanut butter mixture into a re-sealable plastic bag, set aside. Fold marshmallows into remaining peanut butter mixture.

Remove pans from oven to cooling rack. Let brownies stand in pans for 4 minutes. To assemble torte, invert one brownie well side up onto large round platter. Make sure to remove paper from bottoms of brownies. Using scraper spread marshmallow filling into brownie well. Invert remaining brownie well side up onto cooling rack then slide onto top of bottom layer. Evenly distribute diced peanut butter cups into brownie well. Snip tip of corner of baggie to allow peanut butter mixture to flow through, drizzle over torte. Serve immediately.

*** Recipe from Recipe Zaar ***


“But Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” 1 Cor. 15:57

Recently I have been struggling with worry. Having two babies at home lends opportunity for this new mother to worry. Uncertainty causes me to worry. Putting on an extra pound or two causes me to worry. The thought of harm or danger coming to my family causes me to worry.

I shared the growing struggle of mine with a woman I greatly respect. She directed me to Philippians 4: 6-7, which says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” She reminded me that scripture says we have not because we ask not. She also reminded me to thank Him for His answers.

I did bring my requests to the Lord as I was tempted to steep in my worry. Each time the worry re-appears in my mind, I remind myself that my life and the life of my family is in the Lord’s hands and He has our best in mind. Claiming these truths and choosing to believe them gives me the peace of God, which does go beyond my understanding.

Join me in praying:
“Lord, thank you that because of Jesus we can have victory over sin. Please show me an area in my life today where I need to confess sin that is keeping me from serving you. I want to be free to serve you with my whole mind, body and soul. Thank you Jesus. Amen”


Interview with Andrea Christenson
By Mary Pollestad

Andrea Christenson is the wife of Lay pastor Eric Christenson who serves Amery Free Lutheran in Amery WI. They have two girls.

I asked Andrea to tell us what she knew the Lord had called her to do in the ministry at Amery Free. “Well she said, I would have to say that my ministry is encouragement.” She replied, “First of all it is to my husband. To love him and support him in anyway that I can. To encourage him and help him.” “The second thing is to minister to my family.” “ I would have to say the third thing is to encourage different groups of people in the church.” “Sometimes,” she said, “that might be to come along side in various ways for ideas or projects and supporting them in whatever they may need.” “It may not be to lead something but to just give an idea.” “One of the things that I am working on in this area is to write a small note of encouragement or do a phone call.” I am trying to become intentional about meeting peoples needs on a one to one basis.” “Of course” she said, “There is always serving in and amongst the youth of the church.”

Following through with our theme for this month I asked her if she were to give a word of encouragement for the pastor’s wife what would that be. She promptly said, “The Bible verses that come to me are “God will never leave you or forsake you. And another one is “God never Changes He is always the same”. “And still another one that I have been really blessed with lately is, The Joy of the Lord is my strength.”

If Andrea was going to give a bit of encouragement to all of us Pastor’s wives it would be stated like this. “Lately she said I have had a very Freeing thought come over me in the last year that the only expectations we should have to live up to are those of God’s.” “Sometimes we have expectations of what we should be like.” “Or we look at others and we think we should be like them.” “God has called each one of us for a purpose, we don’t have to fit into man’s mold but into God’s.” “We should not expect ourselves to fit into this Christian woman mold that is unrealistic.” “If I could say it this way, be whom God created you to be not a victim of your own expectations or anyone else’s.”

I asked her for some words of wisdom for those women going into a different part of ministry within their church or even being called to a different church she said, As we look at where God may be taking us next within the church or in another church let us remember it may not look exactly the same but God will use you.” “He equips who He calls.”

September 4, 2009


“Never lag in zeal and in earnest endeavor; be aglow and burning with the Spirit, serving the Lord. Rejoice and exult in hope; be steadfast and patient in suffering and tribulation; be constant in prayer.”

Romans 12:11, 12 (Amplified Bible)


by Cheryl Skordahl

About Ireland and the Irish of 1843, the historical novel OF MEN & OF ANGELS by authors Bodie and Brock Thoene, teaches much about being patient in affliction. Set in the time when Ireland was owned and controlled entirely by the English, the story follows the life of Joseph Connor Burke who identifies with the commoners since he had been one himself, inheriting the estate and the lands of Ballynockanor later in life.

Seeing the tyranny of the English in every crevas of life, Joseph agrees to work with Daniel O’Connell and his Repeal movement, desiring true representation of the Irish in the English House of Commons – and to gain this representation without bloodshed. The story introduces the reader to multiple layers of villainy, all of whom have one thing in common – there desire for more power and the downfall of the Repeal movement. Joseph works prayerfully and tirelessly through much persecution, toward the goal of an Ireland that has true representation in the government.

Although the book was published in 1998, questions regarding the current issues in our country reverberated in my mind as I read the discussion questions at the end of this novel. Are there similarities between this novel and the plight of the United States under the current administration? Without trying to over dramatize, I believe the answer to the question is a resounding, “yes!” I am one who believes that the multiple bills that are currently before congress, will promote exorbitant changes in our country – changes that will affect the freedoms that American’s know today.

What are Christian Americans to do about these changes that the government seems bent on delivering? The WORD’S OF INSPIRATION in this article come in the form of a challenge. A challenge to put into practice the words of Romans 12:11 & 12.

1. BE AGLOW AND BURNING WITH THE SPIRIT. Check your spiritual temperature in light of the Word of God. Are you putting your complete trust and dependence in the Lord Jesus Christ? Are you sold out to him? Have you determined not to live for yourself, but for the Lord and others? Are you living empowered by the Holy Spirit?

2. BE CONSTANT IN PRAYER. Include prayer for our nation in your prayers – frequently each day. Pray for other Christians and Christian families to be inspired by the Holy spirit and strengthened to rise up and move as the Lord directs.

3. NEVER LAG IN ZEAL, AND IN EARNEST ENDEAVOR. Follow the leading of the Lord and WORK as He instructs you individually and corporately, to insure that our freedoms as Americans are protected. If we do nothing, they will win. Always maintain a hopeful attitude.

4. BE STEADFAST AND PATIENT IN SUFFERING AND TRIBULATION. Trust God for the future, even though persecutions may come. In our novel, when Joseph was persecuted through damage to his reputation, his earthly dwelling, and his physical body, he was counseled with these works, “circumstances are never as damaging’ to us as how we take on about them.” Don’t loose heart, God’s ultimate plan will succeed.

5. REJOICE AND EXULT IN HOPE. In patience, press on – not giving up until our freedoms are secure. In this you will be serving the Lord enthusiastically.


In this time of so much disruption in every sector of our nation there still is a need for us to continue on as Christian women. Don’t give up. Times are tough. We need to press on. Even if we don’t seem to have any strength left and we are just drained of every ounce of life that we thought we had in the morning when we woke up. We still need to keep going. Why? Because Jesus said “you are the salt of the earth.” Matthew 5:13. How many of us have looked up the definition of salt or looked on the Internet to see all the uses of salt? If you have you will be amazed. Have you ever looked up all the uses of salt? Just like there are many uses for salt so there are many things left that God wants us to be doing for him. Has the salt in us lost it savor and is it being trampled under foot? Oh how I hope that it is not. I challenge you today ladies to ask Jesus what he wants you to do each day to be the “Salt of the earth”. Many of us are miles away from each other but we can be “Salt” in our “own little world” wherever that may be. It is time to stand on the principles of the Bible and not move off of them. It is time to stand on prayer and believe that God answers prayer. It is time to believe in forgiveness of sins and that someday Christ will return. Am I saying that we as Christians haven’t done that? No I am not I am saying that we have to keep on doing these principles. Some days I don’t feel like being the salt of the earth. Some days I just have an awful day at work where my co-workers have bashed me as a Christian woman. In these days’ people are trying in everyway possible to bash at Christians. In the book of Hebrews we read about that punishment or the way people treat us hurts. But afterwards it will bring a quiet growth in grace and character. We must stand firm. We must continue to be “Salt” to the world. Don’t worry about how will I do this just believe and pray that God will show you where and to whom he wants you to be salt to. Jesus said also “if salt loses it savor it might as well be thrown out and trampled.” Oh women of today don’t be like what Jesus is talking about when he talks about the salt losing its savor. Oh know, we must not lose the savor. If you have lost your savor repent and believe that God forgives you and press on even now as you read this go forth and be salt in your world.


Turning the Tide: Having More children Who follow Christ by Holly Elliff
We pray about what we should do with our money or what car to buy. But, she challenges us to seek God’s will regarding the size of our family. Holly share with us biblical principles God used to challenge her own heart in this area. She reveals the far-reaching impact of what happens when believers choose to have fewer children, or even not to have children at all. If Christians have fewer children who follow Christ, what will be the long-term effect on our culture and world? Finally, Holly share tips for raising godly Children to help cultivate and environment that encourages spiritual growth and fosters tender hearts. This is a short book with a big message. Order through ReviveOur or call #1-800-569-5959.

The Legacy of Biblical Womanhood by Susan Hunt and Barbara Thompson
This work is grounded in Scripture, in a biblical theology of womanhood. It inspires us with the incredible privilege to be a woman fulfilling our distinctive role in His grand redemptive plan. It challenges us to recapture the Legacy of Biblical Womanhood and carefully and intentionally pass it on to the next generation. A must read book . (to order see information)


By Ester Gudim

As a stay at home mom of two and a wife of a full time seminarian, I have learn a thing or two the last few years about saving money. One of the greatest ways that God has shown me is how to use coupons to dramatically cut our grocery/personal hygiene budget. By using coupons to their fullest the last few years, I have been able to maintain a budget of about $90 per month for these categories. Here are a few ideas on how to increase your coupon savings:
1. Collect Coupons-Sunday papers are a great place to start, but you can also find in grocery stores, on products, and even in gas stations.

2. Organize your coupons in a way that makes sense to you. You are more likely to use them if they make sense to you. Coupons could be organized by store layout, or categories used most often.

3. Get to know your stores' coupon policies (You can usually inquire at Customer Service). Different savings your stores might offer could include:
-Price matching other competitors
-Doubling coupons
-Taking expired coupons
-Accepting competitor's coupons

4. Trying matching coupons up with sale prices in your ads to maximize your savings.

5. Think about stockpiling. When you come across a good sale, don't be afraid to purchase alot. Often, if an item is free or very cheap, I will figure out how much my family will use before the expiration date and purchase that amount.

6. Start out small. Major couponing can be a little overwhelming. Try starting with just one store and when you master that one add another one.

7. Utilize the internet.
-Print coupons online. They are often of higher value then those in the Sunday paper.
-Read online forums to help you learn what deals are going on at local stores.
-Order extra coupons online from clipping services. They are online stores where you can purchase extra coupons for items you use often or to use on items that are already on sale that you want to pair with a good coupon and stock up.

Here are some websites that are helpful for getting started:
Clipping services
Finally, it is important to realize that this will take some time and effort. It is worth it though. Not only has God provided abundently for my family through coupons, He has also given us so much that we are able to share with others who are in need.


In the spring of 2009 the women of Living Hope, an AFLC Church in a suburb of Minneapolis, MN, held a 24 hour Women’s Retreat. Many young women with busy households attended, precisely because of the limited time schedule. Lasting only 24 hours, beginning on a Friday night and closing on Saturday night, the women were able to be home on Sunday morning to attend church with their families.

From the beginning, the 3 member planning team involved about 10 other women by delegating the responsibilities of decorating, supper set up, small group leaders, worship, and advertizing. In this way there were close to 15 women who felt ownership for the event, virtually assuring their attendance.

The theme of the retreat was LOVING WELL, a Beth Moore Retreat In A Box – Everything needed for planning the retreat was supplied in a box.

As well as large group events, the 30 – 35 women were divided into 4 small groups where time was spent in ice breakers, games, and Bible studies. One of the aims was for each women to get to know a few women – and to get to know them well. Says one of the planners, “It was rewarding to see women come and relationships made, tears, raw emotion, sharing in depth in small groups.” A truth that was explored is that a person “can’t love well until they know they’re loved by our Heavenly Father. He asks us to love all those He puts on our path – even the testy – the hard or easy to love women.” The retreat planning team wanted to be sure that all who attended felt loved, that people meshed, and that new friendships were formed. Each woman who came was given a special soft drink “Izzy”, some chocolate, a bookmark, and a personal journal that was a follow-up study to the event.

The retreat was held in a rustic retreat center – one way of helping us keep the cost down. We charged $50 - $60 per person, with the option of paying $25.00 extra for a high rope course, team building event.

What did the women like about the retreat? That it was close by home – not much travel time, the content was solid and dynamic, it was not superficial but got right to the tough subjects, it was fun, goofy games, good food, life transforming.

Questions about the Retreat in a box? Contact Julie Monseth 763-497-0653 or Naomi Halvorson 612-267-5757.


Something to not Heat up the Kitchen

Crunchy Curried Chicken Salad


½ cup whole cashews
½ cup sweetened flaked coconut
1 tbs curry powder
2 tbs mango chutney
½ cup plain yogurt
3 cooked boneless, skinless chicken breasts
2 – 3 green onions with tops
1 large granny smith apple
4 cups mixed baby greens

1. Place cashews in steamer Microwave, uncovered, on HIGH 1-2 minutes or until cashews are fragrant, stirring every 30 seconds; remove and set aside. Place coconut in Micro-Cooker®. Microwave on HIGH 2-3 minutes or until deep golden brown, stirring every 20 seconds; set aside. Place curry powder into (8-in./20-cm) Sauté Pan; cook over medium-high heat 1-2 minutes or until fragrant.
2. In Stainless (2-qt./2-L) Mixing Bowl, combine chutney and curry powder. Add yogurt; stir until smooth. Reserve 1/4 cup (50 mL) of the dressing.
3. Using pearing knife, dice chicken into 1-in. (2.5-cm) pieces. Thinly slice green onions and apple. Add chicken and green onions to remaining dressing in mixing bowl; stir to coat. Combine apple and mixed greens in (4-qt./4-L) Mixing Bowl. To serve, divide greens mixture among serving plates and top with chicken mixture. Sprinkle with cashews and coconut. Drizzle with reserved dressing.

Yield: 4 servings Nutrients per serving: Nutrients per serving: Calories 410, Total Fat 15 g, Saturated Fat 5 g, Cholesterol 90 mg, Carbohydrate 30 g, Protein 39 g, Sodium 310 mg, Fiber 4 gDiabetic exchanges per serving: 2 fruit, 5 low-fat meat (2 carb) Cook’s Tips: It’s a good idea to cook extra chicken breasts when preparing dinner early in the week. You'll be a big step ahead in preparing meals like this one a couple of nights a week.

Any type of mango chutney, such as Major Grey's or hot mango chutney, can be used in this recipe. Any tart, crisp apple, such as Jonathan, can be substituted for the Granny Smith apple.
© 2009 The Pampered Chef used under license.

Something Festive for the fall gatherings

Spiced Pumpkin Butter Dip

1 10 oz jar of spiced pumpkin butter (Can be purchased at groceries, Williams Sonoma)
8 oz of softened cream cheese
1 cup powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla
4 oz cool whip

Mix cream cheese and sugar together until smooth. Add vanilla and stir until blended. Next, stir in the spiced pumpkin butter. Then fold in the cool whip until well blended. Chill the mixture before serving at room temperature.

Serving suggestions:
Offer sliced, crisp apples with pear slices, cantaloupe, grapes, ginger snaps, or pretzels.

**From Oregon Hill Farms


Each HEARTLINE will present you with a corporate prayer suggestion for AFLC Pastors' wives.

Let’s unite in asking the Lord to extend to us His mercy and grace to us in abundant measure when we find ourselves in situations beyond our understanding. Let’s be honest with Him about what He is showing us as a need of transformation in our lives and His desire to work through our found situations to bring it about. Let’s be willing to learn to know Him through the sufferings that He allows us to experience. Let’s ask Him to complete His work in us though we feel it is a painful process. Pray that through our time “in the process” we would learn to know His heart of compassion and be moved to extend it to others. Pray for those you know who are experiencing times of difficulty and how He would have you extend his hand of mercy to them through you. “…be steadfast and patient in suffering and tribulation; be constant in prayer.” Romans. 12:11,12


Interview With
Michelle Mobley
By Mary Pollestad

Michelle Mobley is married to Pastor Wade Mobley. Wade and Michelle serve Living Word Free Lutheran Church in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Wade and Michelle have served Living Word Free for seven years. They have one daughter.

When I asked Michelle what she thought her ministry was in the church she replied, “My ministry is to Wade”. “I have led ladies Bible Studies and have helped in children’s ministry but I would have to say that praying for him and listening to him is my ministry.” “I am still learning to do that though.” She chuckled. “I also think listening is my ministry.” “Listening to Wade even when I don’t have an answer.” I asked Michelle what her strong point was in the ministry and she said it was flexibility. “I think that is so important in the ministry as schedules change and church responsibilities change.,” she said. “That isn’t easy for some to do,” she said, “but I have found it to be a great asset in the ministry.” I asked Michelle to look back over the 7 years and also look to the future to give a comparison of the years of ministry. “Well, she said in the beginning I struggled with should I do that or this compared to now I think more of am I called to do this in the church or is someone else called.” “As I look to the future I know that God will equip me or all of us women for what is ahead.” “Also, learn to serve and to love the congregation.” she replied. “It is very vital to love your congregation.” As she looked at the verses in Hebrews 12:11,12 she shared these thoughts with me. “The first thing is to acknowledge the pain.,” she said. “I learned during this adoption journey to acknowledge the pain and allow others to come along side me during the pain. “Also to trust others during the pain.” “The results is the peaceful fruit of righteousness.” “Being vulnerable is hard for me.” Michelle stated. “But being vulnerable has taught me also that God can do His work during the pain.” Michelle reminded me, “While the pain is occurring we still need to keep going.”

If Michelle were to leave a word of encouragement for all of us pastor’s wives it would be to stay fed in the Word. “Sometimes we become so busy in church work we forget to get fed.” she reminded. “I have found that just to take a few verses each day and just meditate on them all day long has been a blessing to me.” “Even though we are busy moms in the pews listening to God’s Word being taught or sung is a way to be fed also.” “We must be fed” she said, “ daily in God’s Word.” If I were going to have devotions in the same way that I did before children I probably wouldn’t have devotions at all”. She chuckled. “That is why meditating on just a few verses all day has blessed me.” Another word of encouragement would be some advice that I got from another pastor’s wife. “Don’t defend your husband.” Michelle said. “But to encourage those who have grievances to talk to your husband thus you are not getting involved in the situation.”

June 30, 2009



“Your name, O Lord, ENDURES FOREVER, your renown, O Lord, through all generations. For the Lord will vindicate his people and have compassion on his servants.” Psalm 135:13&14


By Linda Papillon

“What a caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Creator calls a butterfly.” (From A Path Through Suffering by Elisabeth Elliot).

My husband loves to roam among the book shelves of Goodwill and recently found a novel about a family in Colorado having to become refugees because of their offensive Christian beliefs--being right wing home schoolers, pro-life, attending a “fundamentalist” church, etc. This book was published in 1996 and what might have seemed far out 13 years ago, is actually becoming reality today. As I write this, the so-called “hate crimes” legislation has already passed the House and is in the Senate. Basically, this would make it legal to investigate, prosecute, and persecute anyone whose actions reflect their faith. Will our pastor husbands end up being arrested and hauled off to jail for reading a Bible passage that might offend certain minorities in America? Could this actually happen in the land of the free and the brave? How could we endure such hardship? It’s tempting to panic and give in to fear and isolation, maybe even stockpile food and ammunition to survive a little longer.

Life is a boot camp of sorts, learning endurance in various ways. There’s the physical kind like training for a marathon or 5K. Some of us have emotional trials like praying a prodigal child back into the faith or the ups and downs of caring for a loved one with cancer. But we all need to build up our strength in the spiritual disciplines of daily time with the Lord, memorizing His Word, and waiting on Him in prayer and meditation. God uses all of these ways to teach us to depend on His faithfulness.

Mark 11:22b simply states: “Have faith in God.” Hold on to His faithfulness. Christians who look forward to the future are Christians who have looked back at the faithfulness of God. Is there any doubt of God’s faithfulness? Read through Psalm 136 without skipping a word and you will read “His steadfast love endures forever” 26 times! It’s been so helpful for me to then journal what that means to me for even the routine things of the day. As we learn more of Who He is and what He’s done, we will have to humbly bow and worship the One who is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)



To be honest, there is only one relationship in my life where I struggle with harmony, and that is with our mentally-handicapped son. Many of his problems are not his fault. Because his birth-mother drank alcohol before he was born, his brain was permanently damaged. When we adopted him at one year of age, we knew he had “special needs,” but no diagnosis. I assumed that love, God’s Word, good training, discipline, and God’s healing would “fix it.” That is not the case. You have no idea how many times I have “died” to my hopes and dreams for Josh. I’ve had to learn to love and accept him JUST AS HE IS.
Josh is now 20, and the effects of fetal alcohol syndrome are very evident: ADHD, he’s impulsive, immature, has poor self-control, struggles academically and socially, and will probably never live independently. He doesn’t face an easy life as a vulnerable adult.
My biggest shock as a mother was realizing my own sin, critical spirit, and impatience. The greatest struggle that I have right now is that Josh doesn’t want his mother telling him what to do! I still correct him too much and praise him too little. Lyndon is much better in patience and understanding of Josh.
Here are a few thoughts I would share with parents of “special-needs” (and all!) children:

  • Set priorities of the most important things you focus on. You can’t correct everything.
  • Realize that some things will never change. Let them go and don’t make them an issue.
  • Jesus never used shame to motivate anyone, and neither should we.
  • There is no condemnation (to declare guilty, worthless, or unfit for use or service; conveying the idea of utter rejection, doom) in Jesus (Romans 8:1). Make sure to distinguish that you LOVE your children but hate their SIN.

  • Learn to laugh more. That eases the tension.

    Still growing in GRACE,
    Linda Korhonen


Daughters of the Faith Series

For your daughter in early teen years, consider the following book series: Daughters of the faith Series This collection of historical fiction tells the story or courageous women when they were still girls. It includes Courage to Run the account Harriet Tubman’s childhood. Events she experienced as a slave teach us to trust God to create the underground railroad . Another story The Tinkers Daughter tells of Mary Bunyan. Our favorite volume Shadow of His Hand, introduced us to aspiring ballerina Anita Dittman who survived the holocaust. Each young woman faced circumstances which required more strength than they had in themselves. They learned to depend on God. They found him faithful and claimed peace and joy, even as they experienced great personal loss.

Becoming a True woman—Discipleship Journal by Susan Hunt

Question? Who is teaching our teen and preteen girls what it means to be a Woman---the church or the culture? In a world where there are so many uncertainties, Becoming a True woman—Discipleship Journal by Susan Hunt will teach and train younger women how to become a True Woman. It is a curriculum that will help you to speak Biblically and boldly to the issue of womanhood. A curriculum is available for both teen and pre-teen girls. It can be for individual or group use. Check it out!


In response to last blog's question: Which area of the country are you from?

100% of respondents stated they were born in the Midwest.

"In my Opinion" will be replaced by Helpful Hints for Home from now on.


From Kristie Swenson
Are you sick of cooking the same old thing every month for supper? After only three years of marriage, I already found myself in the rut of repeating my menu plan. Then my mom tipped me off to a better way to meal plan that takes advantage of the weekly deals in the supermarket ad and provides new, good recipes.

1. Check out your local grocery ad from the newspaper or online and mark down the sale meat and/or vegetables your family likes.

2. Go online to

3. At, there is a search box where you can type in an ingredient(s). (I will often times type in the sale meat or vegetable to see what new recipe I can make with them.) The site will display all of the recipes that include that particular ingredient.

4. Print off the recipe(s) you would like to use.

5. Plan out your meals for the week and make a grocery list.

6. At the grocery store stick to your list or you may overbuy and overspend!

This website will give ingredients, directions, and the nutrition facts of each recipe, It also has ratings, reviews and recipe tweaking suggestions from other viewers. I have found this site to be very helpful. Other sites that I have found and liked are: and


By Mary Pollestad

Let me encourage each women’s group to always have one special event that women enjoy and one which they can invite their friends to come along. Every woman like to bring their friends to something just so they can be together. This also enables the Christian gal to bring her non Christian friend to a non threatening event in the church. This has really proven to be a wonderful time for outreach. Also, it helps the younger gals to have a special time with their Christian friends. In this busy world women don’t all have the time to get together. What could be a more wonderful way to get together than at the church around a Christ centered event. It proves to be a wonderful time for all! Away provide childcare for those single gals with children. The money issue of a sitter is not a stumbling block to sand in the way for the single gal. and don’t forget the older generation. They enjoy being there. It is a wonder time for them being around the younger gals. Hope this is can idea that you can possible use and that all can enjoy!


Warm Nutty Caramel Brownies

1 pkg (12 oz) semi-sweet chocolate morsels, divided
1 pkg (18-21 oz) brownie mix (plus ingredients to make cake-like brownies)
¾ cup packed brown sugar, divided
1 cup salted mixed nuts, divided
5 rolls (1.7 oz each) milk chocolate-covered chewy caramels, divided (40 pieces total)
Vanilla ice cream (optional)

1. Preheat oven to 375°F. Lightly brush Large Bar Pan with vegetable oil using basting brush. Chop 1 1/2 cups of the chocolate morsels using a chopper. In medium bowl, combine brownie mix, water, oil, eggs and 1/4 cup of the brown sugar; mix well. Fold in chopped chocolate; pour batter into bar pan, spreading evenly using spatula.

2. Chop nuts using food chopper. Combine half of the nuts and remaining 1/2 cup brown sugar; sprinkle evenly over brownie batter. Bake 20-22 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean.

3. Meanwhile, using utility unife, cut 16 caramels into quarters. Place remaining 1/2 cup chocolate morsels in Prep Bowl; microwave on HIGH 1 minute or until melted, stirring after each 20-second interval. Spoon melted chocolate into resealable plastic bag; set aside.

4. Remove bar pan from oven to Stackable Cooling Rack. Immediately press remaining 24 caramels evenly into brownie in four rows of six caramels each. Sprinkle quartered caramels and remaining nuts over brownies. Trim corner of chocolate-filled bag with Utility Knife; drizzle chocolate evenly over brownies. Cut into squares; serve warm using Mini-Serving Spatula. Serve with ice cream, if desired.

Yield: 24 servings

Nutrients per serving: Calories 300, Total Fat 16 g, Saturated Fat 4.5 g, Cholesterol 25 mg, Carbohydrate 38 g, Protein 3 g, Sodium 135 mg, Fiber 2 g

Recipe taken from Pampered Chef

Cheese Bacon Hamburger


3 lbs lean ground beef
1 cup American cheese
1 cup bread crumbs
5 slices bacon sliced with kitchen scissors
3 small onions, finely chopped
Webber grill grinder as desired

1. Heat coals or gas grill for direct heat. Mix beef, onions, bread crumbs, seasoning, bacon, and cheese. Shape into 12 medium sized patties, about ¾ inch thick

2. Cover and grill patties 10-11 minutes turning once, until no longer pink in center and juice is clear.

3. Serve and enjoy

Kirk Rautio


Each HEARTLINE will present you with a corporate prayer suggestion for AFLC Pastors' wives.

Lord, sometimes we are tempted to feel overwhelmed and beaten down by the circumstances of our day. We see so many issues in our government that have been deemed "OK" that go against your precepts. So many life issues such as embryonic stem cell research and abortion are now rationalized as ethical and progressive. Our economy has found many losing jobs, homes, and financial security. Help us to remember that you are sovereign, and greater than our circumstances. Our security is not in our government or our finances, but rather in claiming the promise that you Lord are in control. We pray you would work in the minds of our elected officials, remind them of your precepts. You Lord are the creator of life, and we pray that our country would once again protect all life as sacred. Keep our minds stayed on you, for in that you promise to bring us peace. Amen


Interview with
by Mary Pollestad

Kay is the mother of one daughter. Her husband serves Bethel Community in Culbertson, Montana and Faith Free in Brockton, Montana.

When I asked Kay what she felt her ministry was within the church she said she thought it was “Filling in the Gaps”. “As a pastor’s wife you don’t want to take over in the church you want the people to lead but when there is a need I try to fill the “gap” wherever I can when I am asked.” “Of course, she said, praying and encouraging my husband would be my first ministry calling.”

When I asked Kay about the word “Endurance” and what came to her mind she said with a lot of confidence, “It reminds me of I Peter 4:19 Commit yourself to the Savior continue doing what is good.” She said when the tough times come and the road ahead is rough don’t run and hide from it but continue in what is good.” Maybe you can’t give as much in one area but in the areas you can continue doing good for the Lord in that area.” She discussed with me that it is just simply keeping the faith at all times in the good and in the bad. She was reminded of the song “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” In that song it says to take everything to God in prayer. “That is what we must do too.” She said.

I said, “As we look at our world today and all that is going on what words of encouragement would you give to our ladies”? She said, “get involved with your community even on a small scale like the “Food Bank” and in that you will see how your little community is doing good and then the whole picture of our world doesn’t look so overwhelming.” “I guess, she said with a sigh, that helps us see that there is good going on.” “Whatever it is that you can do even on a small scale in your community will help you see how the Lord is working and that helps.” she said.

So to us gals as pastor’s wives Kay would encourage us to Commit to the Savior and continue doing what is good.

May 1, 2009



Psalm 133:1,36b "How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! ...the Lord bestows His blessing, even life forevermore."

"due to the God-given uniqueness of each persons' ideas and personality, and especially the influence of the fallen nature, relationships can and do develop into discord even among Christians."


Different Yet Complementary
By Candice Johnson

Dealing with strife and discord among Christians has at times sent me into deep discouragement. Dealing with non-harmonious relationships in the church seems like it should not even be an issue. After all, the Scriptures instruct us to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18, Matthew 22:39). But the reality is, due to the God-given uniqueness of each persons’ ideas and personality, and especially the influence of the fallen nature, relationships can and do develop into discord even among Christians.

It seems that discord comes in relationships when we don’t like the way someone is doing something. That can lead to words being said, feelings being hurt, and sides being taken. Unfortunately, this does happen often among Christians. Part of the problem is our sinful nature and part of the problem is a misunderstanding of harmony.

The term harmony has its roots deep in the realm of music. Considering how harmony is accomplished in music can lead to a clearer understanding of how harmony can be accomplished in relationships.

One essential truth about harmony in music is that harmony is a mixture; a mixture of different elements working together to create a beautiful sound. Simply stated, harmony is achieved when two or more notes, located on different lines or different spaces, blend together to create a pleasing sound. The notes are different, yet complementary; separate, yet united. Thus we have a beautiful piece of music

One essential truth about harmony in relationships is that this harmony, too, is the result of different people working together toward a common purpose. Though a variety of individuals may be involved in different aspects of service, to be harmonious, their purpose needs to be the same. Among Christian, that common purpose needs to be exalting Christ.

When exalting Christ is the primary goal for life and service, then the various methods for achieving that goal take on less significance. To put it simply, does it matter if someone sings songs, or writes novels, or washes dishes or teaches Sunday school, or cleans restrooms, or sells Mary Kay, as long as it is done to exalt Christ? The Apostle Paul addresses the issue of disharmony in his letter to the Philippians 1:15-18 when he writes in chapter one: Some to be sure, are preaching Christ even from envy and strife, but some also from good will; the latter do it out of love,…the former proclaim Christ out of selfish ambition, rather than from pure motives, thinking to cause me Paul distress….What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed.

As pastors’ wives, we can’t just sit on the fringe when there’s disharmony in the church, but we also need to tread gently. We need to ask God to reveal to us the answers to a couple of very pointed questions:

1. Am I doing something to cause disharmony in the church? If so pray
for God’s guidance in how to correct that
2. Is my husband doing something to cause disharmony in the church/ If
so, pray that God would reveal this to him and God would work a
healing in the church.
3. Is the disharmony caused by fractions in the church? If so, pray that
God would reveal ways to restore harmony.


Stepping Heavenward
by Rhoda Jore

“How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!
…for there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life forevermore.”
Psalm 133:1:3b

A condescending and critical sister-in-law… a grumpy, sickly father-in-law who disapproves of the way you live and questions your walk with God…it may be humanly possible to “live together in unity” with such people from afar, but how about when they live under the same roof as you and your husband and your small children?

Such is the dilemma of Katherine, a fictitious character in Mrs. E. Prentiss’ book, Stepping Heavenward. I’ve read this book a few times now and each time I’ve been amazed to see the transformation that God works in Katherine as she learns to love these difficult people in her life. It doesn’t come about easily. She goes through a dark season of resenting her husband and questioning God, but ultimately she is able to embrace His desire for her to live in unity with her “brothers”. She’s not content to just “grin and bear it”, pretending to accept their presence in her home but inwardly angry, but she chooses to “rejoice that He had seen fit to let them harass and embitter my domestic life”. Only the Holy Spirit can influence such a response. Following her choice, God bestowed his blessing on her by filling her with a generous, forgiving love for these two people.

I have experienced this life-giving blessing from God when I have chosen love and unity over hatred and discord. It is interesting how a conscious choice usually precedes actual feelings of love. That choice can only come when I am dependent on the help of the Holy Spirit to live in a God-honoring way with those whom I am in community.


In each HEARTLINE you will be presented with “a question”. The question will give you three to four answer options to choose from. The response answers will be tabulated and the percentages will then be given in the following HEARTLINE issue. And, then again, another question with answer options will be given and so on.


In what region of the country were you born?

a. North East
b. South East
c. Midwest
d. North West
e. South West

Please respond to this question by e-mailing Thank you.

Due to loosing our former e-mail account last month, I don’t know who may have e-mailed a response to the last blog’s question. Up until loosing our account, the responses were that EASTER was the favorite holiday.

Prayer: Jesus, in your Word you tell us, “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone (Rom. 12:18). Search my heart and my motives Lord: change me. Help me to live in such a way that promotes peace in my daily relationships. Amen.


Curried Chicken Sandwich with Cranberries and Pine Nuts
(Runners World April 2009)

1 pound cooked cubed chicken breast
3 Tbsp dried cranberries
3 Tbsp toasted pine nuts
1 cup apple chopped
¼ cup mayo
¼ cup fat free sour cream
1 Tbsp honey mustard
1 Tbsp ground curry
Fresh spring greens
Whole wheat bread or pitas

Mix chicken, pine nuts, cranberries and apple. Then in another bowl, mix rest of ingredients until mixed thoroughly. Combine. Place chicken mix on bread or pita, top with greens. Enjoy!

Chai Latte
Mix the following together (I put mine in a jar and just shook it up).
15-16 oz non-dairy vanilla flavored creamer
1/2 c. powered sugar
1/2 c. unsweetened instant tea mix
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp cardamon
1 tsp ground cloves
Then, add to taste to milk


Cheryl Skordahl

Like the two wings of an eagle, the women in our churches need to work harmoniously so their relationships will soar!

How about taking a cue from the wife of our AFLC President, Faith Nelson? Asked to speak at the women’s banquet at a WMF Convention, she ended her talk by handing out an 81/2 X 11 sheet of white paper and asked everyone to write their name and address on it (you could add phone # and e-mail address). She proceeded to instruct the women on how to make a flying airplane out of the paper. Then, unexpectedly, she asked this normally reserved group of banquet women to stand up and fly their paper airplane into the air. Whosever airplane you caught, you were to write a note of encouragement and send it to that woman.

This is a great way to create more tender/fun-loving relationships between the women of your church. Why not try it at your next meeting? “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God and everyone that loves knows God.”


An Interview With Laurel Johnson
By Mary Pollestad

This issue’s interview is going to be with Laurel Johnson who lives Northwest of Cambridge, MN. This interview is somewhat different from the others in that we will be talking to Laurel about insights and wisdom that she has received over the years in the ministry. Her husband is retired or maybe semi retired we might say as he serves wherever the Lord may lead him to fill the pulpit as needed. Wendell and Laurel have 4 grown sons and 1 grown daughter. Her insight comes from the years serving the Dalton Parish of 4 churches, Stacy, MN area of two churches and Spicer, MN area. When I asked Laurel what her ministry was in the church she said, “Well, that would be music.” “Also, Bible Studies with the ladies, and just being a part of what and who they are.” “Planning, praying, rejoicing and sometimes a little crying,” she said. I asked Laurel if she was going to give any advise to a pastor’s wife going into the ministry after seminary or to a pastor’s wife who is leaving a church that she and her husband have served for 8-12 years what would she advise? “Well,” she said as she thought. “Ease into things very gently and get a whole overview of the people.” “Get to know them all” she suggested. “Let’s see, always give compliments where compliments are due and encourage. “Watch out not to be too overbearing” she warned. “Most of all have a servant heart,” she said. The next question I asked Laurel was, “How does a pastor’s wife use the talents that God has given her if no one in the church recognizes them and asks her to use them?” “Well,” she said, “first of all, pray that God would open up someone’s heart to see the blessed gift that God has given you.” “Then too,” she said. “If you have become close to someone in the church you might say to them, ‘if there is an opportunity or need in this or that area I would be happy to help.’” I asked Laurel what she would suggest for all of us pastor’s wives to remember about the ministry with our husbands. “Well, you know it is a TEAM ministry,” She said. “Explain that,” I said to her. “It is supporting your husband 100%.” “Supporting what he is doing.” “If he asks you to help say yes.” “If you have young children and can’t go on visitations you can still be praying for him and give him Freedom in the Lord.” I asked her to explain Freedom in the Lord. “Well,” she said. “It is allowing him to do what the Lord wants him to do even if sometimes he makes a mistake.” “Mary, it is not being in charge of but being supportive of.” She reminded me that having a teachable spirit and a lot of flexibility is something that we as pastor’s wives should keep in mind all the time. “What about leaving a congregation? I asked. “Well there are a lot of positives when you leave a congregation,” she said. “You have the love and kindness of people that just overwhelms you.” “You have Bible Studies and prayer together and good memories and forever friends.” If Laurel was going to give all of us things to remember as pastor’s wives she would say this. “Remember that first you are the wife to your husband and second the mother of your children.” “Spend time with your husband and have a little fun.” She laughed. “Because things get too serious sometimes.” One thing that Laurel warned us all about is not to get bitter. If we get bitter, we crawl within ourselves to protect ourselves from getting hurt and then we won’t fulfill the radiant person that God wants us to be. Hopefully some of this you can take for your life as you serve as a TEAM with your husband in the ministry.

February 27, 2009



Verse: Ephesians 1:7,8 "...redemption through His blood..."

The lavishness of the Lord is incredible. If you're like many Christians, perhaps you find His abundant forgiveness hard to accept? Do you knock yourself over and over again for something the Lord has already forgiven and forgotten? Did God really forgive me when I .... (you fill in the blank.)"


"The Lord's Forgiveness - lavished on us!"
by Carolyn Steele

Ephesians 1: 7, 8: In Him we have redemption through His Blood, the forgiveness of out trespasses, according to the riches of His grace, which He lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight.

From these verses, we see an order in the Word’s promise that is exciting! First, we're redeemed on the cross of Calvary and our sins are forgiven. In God’s grace, He “lavishly” gives us this forgiveness of sin with the Father’s wisdom and insight. Of course, we cannot do this in our own strength. Then, what do we do when others or situations arise that lead to feeling hurt or treated unfairly? We are tempted to not remember Matthew 6, which states that we must forgive others as God forgives us and that the Lord will not forgive us if we don’t forgive others (verse15). I cannot be justified in my complaint (sin).

Dear Friends in Christ: The sin of not forgiving will grow and lead you away from your precious Jesus. It truly hurts our Savior and drives a wedge between God and you. Stop and think for you know this is not worth it! Jesus died for your sins and gave His all. Turn and repent quickly and don’t nurse and rehearse those bitter feelings. If you sincerely give it to Christ, He will be true to change your heart. However, what will happen if we are hurt again? This may happen with the folks that you often see and cannot avoid. This is where a daily surrender to Jesus must become a part of your innermost desire, as you grow closer to Him with the help of the Holy Spirit. Memorize Luke 6: 37: “Judge not, and you will not be judged: condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven.”

Only Jesus Christ can truly bring restoration and healing to your life through obedience to His Word. You may be thinking; I am not sure that I want to do this. Take it from me that putting off forgiveness only prolongs misery and sin. Christ did it for you, because His everlasting love is “incredible.”


A Pit Will Suck You In
by Michele Mobley

A pit will suck you in! This is true about a physical pit, but author and speaker, Beth Moore, in her book, Get out of that Pit is not speaking about a big hole in the earth. She is addressing the soul who believes she is stuck, believes she can’t stand up to the enemy, and believes she has lost her vision. Moore defines this state of being as a pit. Her book includes three ways a person gets into a pit and how to get out. This reader believes forgiveness is the bedrock of this work.

Some people are thrown into a pit. Moore writes, “The ways we can get thrown into a pit are as varied as the footprints planted in them” (Moore, p23). A terminal diagnosis, a gossip, an unfaithful spouse, a violent crime, and a shrinking financial portfolio send innocent bystanders into a “pit of innocence”.

One can also slip into a pit. Moore defines this pit as one of despair. Life is hard and the Christian soul is not immune, but is also not hopeless. Moore writes, “If we don’t put our hope in God, we can talk ourselves into a pit” (Moore, p55).

The third way one gets into a pit is by jumping in. Moore calls this pit-dweller a “pit-jumper”. The jump is intentional and is a mockery of God’s authority.

Finally, Moore gives the pit-dweller practical steps to get out. First, cry out to the all-powerful God. Second, confess sin. Confession deals with both sin and God’s authority. Confession is agreeing with God about whom He is and who you are in Christ. Following confession is consent. Moore believes this step to be black and white. Leave the pit.

Beth Moore in her book Get Out Of That Pit proclaims victorious and eternal truth and hope for pit-dwellers. This reader is convinced the heart of this book is forgiveness. Un-forgiveness keeps many a soul in bondage to the character of a pit. Forgiveness brings a soul into a victorious life defined by the character of the God of all hope!



I know it is impossible to be with someone all of the time but I hate to be alone. Satan knows that. It grips me when I least expect it, when I am alone in the car, or getting groceries, or standing alone in the post office. Fear comes and grips my body reminding me I am alone. It holds me like two clamps, one on each shoulder, pushing into my body. It cripples me. I can’t move and my mind is bombarded with “what ifs.” My eyes start to fluctuate from side to side and my breathing is so shallow I long for a cool-cool breath of air. I am not sure that I will be able to even walk. If I give into that FEAR in my mind, for even a split second, Satan has me and I am crippled. As soon as I feel the attack of fear grip me I must pray, concentrate on the Holy Spirit, and the peace of Jesus. If I don’t, Satan has crippled me and the force is so strong that it sends me into the oppression of FEAR.
Sometimes I will grab my cell phone and dial a friend who understands. When I hear the voice I am slightly calmed, because I am not alone. As we pray together I am able to feel strength. If I don’t pray with that small pinch of faith, I am attacked even greater. Another thing that I do is to concentrate on the Bible verses from Philippians 4:6-8. When fear has gripped me for days the only thing that calms me is to know that my Bible is with me all the time. It goes in the car with me and when I park the car in the garage the Bible comes into the house with me. I know that the presence of that Bible, which is the Word of God, is all that I need. I feel free and those clamps that are pushing on me don’t seem as strong. I also ask the Lord to help me recognize the enemy’s voice no matter how subtle it is and never to entertain the attack of fear.
How can a Christian woman be fearful? Well, we each have our own areas where Satan knows he can attack us. Mine is fear of being alone. I must pray daily and search my heart and mind asking the Lord to cleanse it from the deceptions of Satan. If deception and compromise are already on my heart and mind then it leaves a hole for Satan to attack me with fear. I must ask Christ’s forgiveness, where I have allowed this to enter my mind.
I must practice listening to the Holy Spirit’s voice, which drives the subtleness of Satan out and the crippling attack of FEAR. Satan knows that when I am fearful then I am not a witness for Jesus at work or home. My prayer life is not strong. Oh Jesus forgive me when I have listened to the subtleness of Satan and allowed my mind to entertain fear, which cripples me. Thank you Jesus.


When I think about forgiveness, I remember the story of Corrie Ten Boom. Ten Boom endured the Holocaust, was imprisoned at a Nazi prison camp and lost her sister there. Corrie lived through the Holocaust, and afterwards went on to speak about how her faith in the Lord saw her through. After one such speech, a man approached Corrie and confessed he was a guard at the Nazi prison she had been at. He asked for her forgiveness for being one of her captors. Corrie said she could not in her own strength forgive this guard, but with the strength of the Lord, she held out her hand to his and forgave him. We all have been wronged in our lives. We can choose to hold on to those times others have wronged us, or we can choose to obey the Lord, follow His example and forgive. This month, let's pray "Lord help me to forgive." Then forgive in His strength.


In each HEARTLINE you will be presented with “a question”. The question will give you three to four answer options to choose from. The response answers will be tabulated and the percentages will then be given in the following HEARTLINE issue. And, then again, another question with answer option will be given and so on.

In response to last blog's question:

100% of respondents stated they became Christians between the ages of 0-12 years old.

New Blog Question:

What is your favorite Christian Holiday?

A. Christmas

B. Easter

C. Other (please specify)

We invite you to share your response to this question using the long distance communication method that you prefer. Please send your response to Kristi Swenson using that method. Letter-method address is: 1701 Terrace Dr., Minot, ND 58703. Email Telephone number 612-209-8936. However, Kristi’s cell phone doesn’t text so you will need to use an alternate method if you prefer that means.



Mavis Miller

The citrus flavor of this salad is refreshing, especially in the winter. I leave the onions off for those who prefer.

3 oranges, peeled and sliced
2 avocadoes, peeled, pitted and sliced
Thin slices red onion, separated into rings
Salad greens

Arrange orange, avocado, and onion slices on salad greens on individual plates. Drizzle vinaigrette over salads and sprinkle with craisins.

Orange Vinaigrette
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 tsp grated orange peel
¼ cup orange juice
2 Tblsp sugar
2 Tblsp lemon juice
½ tsp. ground mustard
¼ tsp. salt

Shake all ingredients in tightly covered container. Store in refrigerator. (To make a lighter dressing, reduce oil to 2 Tblsp and increase orange juice to ½ cup.)



Luke 12:7 “Indeed the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”

Decorations: Table decorations should remind the women of a beauty salon – Purchase a hairstyle magazine, cut out pages and glue on place mats. Use hair dryers, brushes, combs, hair spray, shampoo, etc. for a centerpiece.

Announcements/Invitation: Cut the head you want to use from your hair magazine. Cut out the face. Make a copy. Write in the information where the face would have been. Copy onto the invitation.

Food: Serve a low cal, refreshing salad – similar to the Orange Avocado Salad in this Heartline e-news.

Christian Message: Pray and search for someone in your own group who is a Bible-based adventurer. Challenge her with this fun, creative and inspiring topic and set them free to prepare a message that will challenge women to examine God’s promise – He knows us so well – even our number of hairs! We are created individually in accordance to His specifications, to love Him and serve Him.

Fun entertainment: If you have a beautician in your church, ask her if she will do a makeover haircut and style for one person who is a guest (or ask a local salon for a volunteer beautician and you agree to “plug” the salon during the event.) As the women arrive, have them put their name in a basket if they would like to have the haircut and style makeover.



By Mary Pollestad

Our interview is with Barb Wentzel. She and her husband Craig serve Living Word in Edmore, North Dakota and Zoar of Hampden North Dakota. They have two girls, one married and living near Chicago and the other attending school in Fargo, North Dakota.

When I asked Barb what she felt her ministry was in the church, she thought for awhile and said, “Well it is serving.” “I like to be with the women and serving with them in anyway I can.” “I guess serving in practical ways would be how I would say I enjoy the most.” “I also enjoy being with the older ladies as you can learn so very much from them.” “If you aren’t a leader like I am not, just watching some of the older women handle things one can learn so much.” said Barb. Barb takes sewing in her home and she finds that it can be a ministry of its own as people might tell of their needs and then she can pray for them and their needs. Whether they be a church member or someone in the community. Another area of ministry is going with her husband to the nursing home where he holds services. She said, “You go there to minister and encourage them and you yourself end up getting back a blessing.”

When I mentioned the word FORGIVENESS to Barb the verse that came to her mind was Colossians 1:22 “Holy and Blameless Before Him. “That means so much to me.” she said.