September 4, 2009


Turning the Tide: Having More children Who follow Christ by Holly Elliff
We pray about what we should do with our money or what car to buy. But, she challenges us to seek God’s will regarding the size of our family. Holly share with us biblical principles God used to challenge her own heart in this area. She reveals the far-reaching impact of what happens when believers choose to have fewer children, or even not to have children at all. If Christians have fewer children who follow Christ, what will be the long-term effect on our culture and world? Finally, Holly share tips for raising godly Children to help cultivate and environment that encourages spiritual growth and fosters tender hearts. This is a short book with a big message. Order through ReviveOur or call #1-800-569-5959.

The Legacy of Biblical Womanhood by Susan Hunt and Barbara Thompson
This work is grounded in Scripture, in a biblical theology of womanhood. It inspires us with the incredible privilege to be a woman fulfilling our distinctive role in His grand redemptive plan. It challenges us to recapture the Legacy of Biblical Womanhood and carefully and intentionally pass it on to the next generation. A must read book . (to order see information)