May 1, 2009


In each HEARTLINE you will be presented with “a question”. The question will give you three to four answer options to choose from. The response answers will be tabulated and the percentages will then be given in the following HEARTLINE issue. And, then again, another question with answer options will be given and so on.


In what region of the country were you born?

a. North East
b. South East
c. Midwest
d. North West
e. South West

Please respond to this question by e-mailing Thank you.

Due to loosing our former e-mail account last month, I don’t know who may have e-mailed a response to the last blog’s question. Up until loosing our account, the responses were that EASTER was the favorite holiday.

Prayer: Jesus, in your Word you tell us, “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone (Rom. 12:18). Search my heart and my motives Lord: change me. Help me to live in such a way that promotes peace in my daily relationships. Amen.