July 10, 2012


I recently completed reading Francine Rivers‘ “Mark of the Lion” trilogy. Although it was written in the early 1990’s, I first became acquainted with it when I checked out Book 1, A Voice in the Wind, from my church library.  The setting for the trilogy is first-century Jerusalem, Germania, Rome, and Ephesus in the days of the gladiators. The historical presentation and the clear presentation of the Gospel in Book 1 lead me to purchase Book 2, Echo in the Darkness, and Book 3, As Sure as the Dawn.  

A Voice in the Wind is the result of Francine River’s quest, “seeking the faith of a martyr.” Hadassah is this martyr. She struggles courageously to live out her faith as a servant in the midst of the pagan Roman household of the Valerian family. Although she is ridiculed for her faith, the Holy Spirit uses her bold witness and perseverance to eventually lead the wealthy Valerian family to faith in Christ, one at a time. The family includes two siblings, Julia and Marcus. Hadassah became the devoted servant of Julia, showing kindness and love to her in spite of her cruelty to Hadassah. Marcus was attracted to Hadassah’s physical beauty and her gentle spirit, but he could not understand her devotion to her God. He was a regular attendee at the games in the Roman arena, but after Hadassah was thrown to the lions, he was devastated and repulsed by the barbaric games. In Book 2, there is an amazing turn of events. If you read Book 1, you need to find out what happens in Book 2.

In this trilogy, there is a stark contrast between worship of the one true God and the worship of the Greek and Roman gods which were found wanting. A Christian worldview and the development of the characters by Francine Rivers inspired me to continue reading all 3 books.  If you like historical fiction, I think you will be as convinced as I am that these books are worthwhile and will help you grow in your faith and courage to defend the Gospel.