May 3, 2012


The Comparison Trap

Comparison Trap is just that! It’s a trap. We, as women, fall so easily into that trap.  Maybe it’s because we’re more the “people pleasing-type” or because we’re so relational but, for whatever reason, we become trapped in it so easily!  We don’t even have to wait until adulthood, nor even our teenage years to start doing it!  Many times it starts when we are very young and we say “her piece is bigger than mine” or “why does he always get______ and I get______? Then, as a young teenage girl, her comparison can become even deadly. It’s a time when we may be seeking approval for our physical appearance and we compare ourselves to the world’s “standard’ and find that we don’t match up.  So, we become anorexic to achieve that “standard” of approval.  The results can be deadly.  Even as adults we may still be caught in the comparison trap.  We want the best for our children we keep encouraging (prodding?) them so that they’re the best at ____. We know they’re the best because we’ve compared them to others and we know they are. (although we wouldn’t want to admit that’s what we’ve been comparing/thinking!) How about our cooking? Do we compare how much better our rolls look and taste then Jessica’s? Or how about our pastor-husband? Do we compare how many people are in our church on Sunday and are in attendance at our church’s events as compared  to the neighboring church? How about us as grandmothers, do we compare  how many grandchildren we have as compared to the Larsons?  Let’s call it for what it is—COMPARISON! Let’s confess it for what it is.  Can we call it sin?  It’s not being content with what He has provided for us, or the  way He has uniquely created us. THERE’S DELIVERANCE FROM COMPARISON! When we yield to Him. When we confess to Him.  He says ”there is great gain in godliness with contentment”

I Timothy 6:6.  In Luke 7:23 He again says “blessed is the man who doesn’t take offense on account of me”  I want what He calls great gain and what receives His blessing. I don’t want what the devil, the world, and my flesh tells me are  my rights, what will make me happy, nor even that “ I deserve it!” Ladies! Let’s encourage one another in seeking His transforming work in our lives.  He alone can deliver us from the Trap of Comparison and set us free to live a Life of Contentment.