May 3, 2012


So, here I am, a pastor’s wife?!

Whether you have been one of us for 2 weeks, 6 months, 2 years, or 65 years, we all have need of TRUTH spoken to us which render us: hope, grace, encouragement, and life transformational insights. We pray that you will receive just that (and more) through our various 2012 writers. The Heartline entries include timely insights into several scripture passages and life-applicable topics.

God bless you as you join us in gleaning! 


II Corinthians 5:17-18 (ESV)
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to Himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation;”

I am writing during Holy Week. Throughout Lent I’ve been reminded over and over how great my need is for a Savior. During Lent we’re encouraged to look at our hearts (as honestly as we are capable of looking). I see my failure and sin all too clearly, and then must also realize that is just the “tip of the iceberg” so to speak. We are also encouraged to look at what Christ did for us; He suffered things we can’t imagine as He gave Himself up to the Father’s perfect plan. Then we come to these two verses. “The old has passed away; behold the new has come.” We aren’t “fixed” in Christ. We are put to death and then we are made into a new creation, a brand-new person! Praise God! It is all from God. Nothing is from us. He reconciled us to Himself. Then He gave us a “ministry of reconciliation.” What is that? It is the privilege of sharing this Good News with the world.


The Comparison Trap

Comparison Trap is just that! It’s a trap. We, as women, fall so easily into that trap.  Maybe it’s because we’re more the “people pleasing-type” or because we’re so relational but, for whatever reason, we become trapped in it so easily!  We don’t even have to wait until adulthood, nor even our teenage years to start doing it!  Many times it starts when we are very young and we say “her piece is bigger than mine” or “why does he always get______ and I get______? Then, as a young teenage girl, her comparison can become even deadly. It’s a time when we may be seeking approval for our physical appearance and we compare ourselves to the world’s “standard’ and find that we don’t match up.  So, we become anorexic to achieve that “standard” of approval.  The results can be deadly.  Even as adults we may still be caught in the comparison trap.  We want the best for our children we keep encouraging (prodding?) them so that they’re the best at ____. We know they’re the best because we’ve compared them to others and we know they are. (although we wouldn’t want to admit that’s what we’ve been comparing/thinking!) How about our cooking? Do we compare how much better our rolls look and taste then Jessica’s? Or how about our pastor-husband? Do we compare how many people are in our church on Sunday and are in attendance at our church’s events as compared  to the neighboring church? How about us as grandmothers, do we compare  how many grandchildren we have as compared to the Larsons?  Let’s call it for what it is—COMPARISON! Let’s confess it for what it is.  Can we call it sin?  It’s not being content with what He has provided for us, or the  way He has uniquely created us. THERE’S DELIVERANCE FROM COMPARISON! When we yield to Him. When we confess to Him.  He says ”there is great gain in godliness with contentment”

I Timothy 6:6.  In Luke 7:23 He again says “blessed is the man who doesn’t take offense on account of me”  I want what He calls great gain and what receives His blessing. I don’t want what the devil, the world, and my flesh tells me are  my rights, what will make me happy, nor even that “ I deserve it!” Ladies! Let’s encourage one another in seeking His transforming work in our lives.  He alone can deliver us from the Trap of Comparison and set us free to live a Life of Contentment.  


“Forgotten God: Reversing our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit” by Francis Chan

Francis Chan’s book speaks directly, simply, and profoundly to a tragic reality in many of our lives and churches—the neglect of the Holy Spirit. In His absence, individuals and churches operate in their own personal strength and accomplish goals that are merely ‘human sized’. When we begin living in the power of the Holy Spirit, our churches and lives will be vastly different. It is upon that premise that Chan discusses the work of the Holy Spirit as presented in the Bible.

Throughout the book, Pastor Chan challenges his readers with questions to reflect upon. I found these questions especially convicting. For example, 1 Corinthians 1:6:19-20 states that as a believer our bodies are the home of the Holy Spirit. Most of us have likely read that passage several times, but Chan challenges us to consider this statement in light of the way we live. Should there not be a huge difference in the life of a believer versus that of the unbeliever, given the reality of the Holy Spirit inside of us? Yet, why are so many lives of Christians virtually no different than that of an unbeliever? “When was the last time I undeniably saw the Holy Spirit at work in or around me? (p. 35) Is it possible that for many, our relationship with the Holy Spirit is based upon head knowledge rather than a total submitting unto His leading every day? Through the process of encouraging readers to ask hard questions of themselves, Chan truly helps us gain a better understanding of what it should be to have the Holy Spirit within us.

Pastor Chan also digs into the reasoning we have for desiring to be filled with the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. The question we must address is it is one of selfish reasons ( for me and my betterment), or for that of truly knowing the full experience of God in one’s life, and how that experience reflects itself in a love of others and of Christ’s church.  A sure sign of the Holy Spirit’s working in individuals (or churches for that matter) is that Christ is magnified and not man. Further, Chan calls his readers to think less about God’s will for one’s life for the future (which is often a veiled excuse for waiting, doing nothing, and succumbing to fear of failure), and rather focus on God’s will for their lives TODAY (p. 119ff). We are called to an active pursuit of God and His will, not only for tomorrow, but especially for today!

Francis Chan does not allow us to use preconceived notions of the Holy Spirit and His work. The author devotes an entire chapter (The Theology of the Holy Spirit 101) to summarize the vital work of the Spirit, and constantly references and expounds upon Scripture in his book. Further, the use of human example (Esther Ahn Kim, Dave Phillips, Domingo and Irene Garcia, etc.) and amazing comparisons in life (butterflies, tractors, and football) all provide for an excellent and unforgettable understanding of the Spirit’s work.

Our church recently worked through this book and DVD study guide in our Wednesday evening adult large group. It was a wonderful blessing—one that I would recommend for you as well.


Hi, I’m Rose, and I wish I could personally know and fellowship with each one of you who is reading this article so I could give you a hug, a smile, and an encouraging word.   The printed word will have to suffice, and that is the next best thing! I have been married to my husband Tim for… let’s see now… thirty-one years I believe, but when I married him I was just a “regular” girl who had no idea I would be married to a pastor! Don’t get me wrong, going into full time ministry was a joint decision and I showed my full support by cleaning houses and living in poverty all through seminary, but after seminary I wasn’t sure how to fill the role of “pastor’s wife”, especially because I did not grow up in a churched home.   I have learned a few lessons from the school of “hard knocks” and from the best teachers, God’s Word and the Holy Spirit, which I want to share with you today.

My first lesson is that our home should be a light to the world around us.  Acts 13:47: For this is what the Lord has commanded us: “‘I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.’” We have always made our home a place of welcome, warmth, love, and unconditional acceptance. It is perfectly fine to let people know that we are “regular” people who are saved by grace, so fight the urge to give the impression of perfection.  I have stopped comparing myself to others who cook and bake and clean much better than I do. God made me with unique strengths and gifts so I try to use what He gave me to the best of my ability. Having a welcoming home has enabled us as a family to reach out to hurting people, lost and lonely youth, and even homeless people.  When people come to us with physical needs, we often end up having exciting opportunities to share the Gospel.   In order to be hospitable, I have had to learn that special food, a fancy table, or fresh baked desserts are not necessary.   A spirit of love, a bucket of ice cream perhaps, and a comfortable environment are all that are needed.  Of course, having an open home requires some personal discipline. Just like Murphy said, “If it can happen, it will happen”; therefore, try to be prepared ahead of time by yielding the habit of procrastination to the Lord! I will never forget the ONE day I decided to stay in my jammies a little later in the morning.  That was the ONE day that one of the church trustees came over and wanted to take a look at the parsonage furnace.  You can bet that I resolved to be fully dressed by 8 am from that day forward!   I have also learned that procrastination with housework will usually result in more stress later when I am scrambling to tidy up because we are having unexpected company.  Keeping up with some basic, daily chores, five minutes at a time, and teaching the children to help with regular assigned chores, has enabled me to have the open home the Lord can use.

Second, and seemingly opposite from lesson one, is to set and keep appropriate boundaries.   My girls love to tell the story of what happened to them during a time when our little home mission church was keeping me busy with many needy women who were newly saved and wanting my “ear”.  The phone rang a lot at my house and as a dutiful pastor’s wife I always jumped to answer it, often abandoning whatever activity I was doing with my family.  During one season I was trying to teach my five young children that it is rude to interrupt Mom when she is on the phone, so when seven-year-old Abbie came running in from outside with her typical outburst of “Mom, Mom!” I calmly and quietly told her that she would have to wait because Mom was on the phone.  When she interrupted again with “But…”, I reinforced my instruction with a strong look and an admonition to wait.  After my third visit from Abbie, I finally asked her what the problem was, and I learned that her younger sister had been hanging upside down by her knees from a tree branch for quite some time because she was unable to get down.  At that point I realized I had my priorities in the wrong order, said a hurried farewell to my caller, and went out to rescue poor six-year-old Sarah from what my girls call a “nearly fatal” fall.  Ladies, put your family above your church needs and set healthy boundaries, while loving your church family and the world around you with all of your heart.   If you need help, one of the few self-help books I ever recommend reading is Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend.  The book compares boundaries to fences, which we put up to keep bad things out and to keep good things in.  That analogy has strengthened me many times.  My husband needs to recharge with times of quiet and solitude, so there are some days when my door is NOT open and I graciously explain that we need some quiet time as a family or whatever the case may be. Obedience can come in the form of the word “No” as well as in the word “Yes.”

May your home be a place of rest and refreshment, first for your family, then for the congregation, and finally to the world around you, balanced by obedience and healthy boundaries.



As we find the need to travel once in a while, we may find it challenging to eat healthy foods.  Here are some tips to consider…

Restaurant Dining

  • Ask the waitress for a “To Go” box immediately.  When your meal comes, put ½ of the meal in a box to take to the motel or car for another meal. OR consider sharing your meal with another person at your table. Typically, restaurants serve enough food to feed two people 
  • Avoid meals that are fried, high in fat, loaded with sugar and high in salt.  Such foods cause high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.
  • Avoid “white” foods such as rice, potatoes, sugar, cream sauce, gravies, salt, etc.  These foods also cause health issues.
  • If your body does not tolerate certain foods, ask for them to hold that food or put it on the side.  Restaurants are willing to work with dietary needs.
  • Skip desserts or ask for fruit for dessert.  While fruit contains fruit sugar (fructose), it is healthier than other desserts.
  • Meat portions should be the size of a deck of cards.  Most of the time, restaurants serve too large of a portion of meat.  Eat half and box the rest.
  • Soups are loaded with salt (sodium).  Avoid these – especially creamed.  Again, sodium and fats cause various health issues. 
  • Don’t give yourself permission to eat uncontrollably.  “Oh well, I’m away from home.”  OR “I’m on vacation.”  OR “It’s okay once in a while.”  These excuses could jeopardize your health – especially if you make it a long-termed practice. 

If we pray about our food choices, the Lord will be faithful to direct us.

1Corinthians 3:16-17 “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and [that] the Spirit of God dwells in you?  If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which [temple] you are.”


California Grilled Veggie Sandwich


1/4 cup mayonnaise
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/8 cup olive oil
1 cup sliced red bell peppers
1 small zucchini, sliced
1 red onion, sliced
1 small yellow squash, sliced
2 (4-x6-inch) focaccia bread pieces, split horizontally
1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese


1. In a bowl, mix the mayonnaise, minced garlic, and lemon juice. Set aside in the refrigerator. 

2. Preheat the grill for high heat. 

3. Brush vegetables with olive oil on each side. Brush grate with oil. Place bell peppers and zucchini closest to the middle of the grill, and set onion and squash pieces around them. Cook for about 3 minutes, turn, and cook for another 3 minutes. The peppers may take a bit longer. Remove from grill, and set aside. 

4. Spread some of the mayonnaise mixture on the cut sides of the bread, and sprinkle each one with feta cheese. Place on the grill cheese side up, and cover with lid for 2 to 3 minutes. This will warm the bread, and slightly melt the cheese. Watch carefully so the bottoms don't burn. Remove from grill, and layer with the vegetables. Enjoy as open faced grilled sandwiches. 

Strawberry Angel Food Dessert

1 (10 inch) angel food cake
2 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese, softened
1 cup white sugar
1 (8 ounce) container frozen whipped topping, thawed
1 quart fresh strawberries, sliced
1 (18 ounce) jar strawberry glaze


1. Crumble the cake into a 9x13 inch dish. 

2. Beat the cream cheese and sugar in a medium bowl until light and fluffy. Fold in whipped topping. Mash the cake down with your hands and spread the cream cheese mixture over the cake. 

3. In a bowl, combine strawberries and glaze until strawberries are evenly coated. Spread over cream cheese layer. Chill until serving.


Please join me in prayer. 

Create in me a clean heart, Oh God, and renew a right spirit within me.  You, Heavenly Father are the only one who can create this new spirit, this right spirit, within me.  Forgive me for looking so much to others around me to find answers to who I am and for my  affirmation.  You alone, O Lord, are the only one who has the Truth about who I am and my worth. Thank you for speaking your TRUE WORDS to me.  I am your child I am the  Daughter of the Most High God! And you love me unconditionally.  Thank you, Jesus. Thank you! Amen