Interview With Evonne Skramstad
By Mary Pollestad
By Mary Pollestad
Evonne Skramstad and her husband Tim Skramstad who serves Living Word Lutheran in Eagan, Minnesota have served this church for eight years. “This is the longest time we have been in one place in the ministry” she said. Evonne is the mother of one son and two daughters who all live in the Minneapolis area.
When I asked Evonne what she thought her ministry was in the church she said. “Leading a women’s weekly Bible Study.” That Bible study sometimes in the fall goes into two times a day so giving more opportunity for the women to attend. “The most important ministry I have is listening to my husband and praying for him” she replied. She also helps with Vacation Bible School and with the prayer chain in the church.
If she could encourage all of us pastor’s wives she would say to stay in the Word. It is there where the strength is. “We’ve heard it and heard it over again that staying in the Word is the most important from other older women so we need to do that.” To those of us who are awake during the night or early early morning she encourages us to read the Word of God then. The second thing she encouraged us with is to be a real prayer warrior. “Also, remember that if you are asked to pray about something or you ask someone to pray for you be sure that the prayer is kept and not shared with anyone.” She replied. Another encouragement would be for us women to be quiet before we speak. “Sometimes I just step back and not get involved in a situation.” “Sometimes we should just listen or just get out of the situation so that we don’t regret it later.” She encouraged all the women who are going into their first church for the first time to just sit back in the first year and wait for the Lord to show you what doors he has open for you in the church. “Sometimes in a young family it is hard to be involved” she said, “because the children do need care.” “Just wait for the doors to be opened for you.” Prayer and reading the Word of God is what we need to do as women today.