The Excellent Wife--a Biblical Perspective by Martha Peace
A scripturally based book that gives a detailed portrait of a godly wife. God’s standard is high and holy but in this book, the author demonstrates that by God’s grace, it is attainable. A good book (with its study guide) for personal or group use.
Heart to Heart with Pastors’ Wives by Lynne Dugan
A scripturally based book that gives a detailed portrait of a godly wife. God’s standard is high and holy but in this book, the author demonstrates that by God’s grace, it is attainable. A good book (with its study guide) for personal or group use.
Heart to Heart with Pastors’ Wives by Lynne Dugan
Twelve women share the wisdom they’ve gained alongside husbands who are in ministry. These stories that will encourage you as you minister along side your husband to others within your sphere of influence.