HEALTH for BODY (Physical) SOUL (Mind, Will, Emotions) SPIRIT (Spiritual)
Read: Romans 12:2, Hebrews 12:14-15
Emotional Healing – It’s basically forgiveness and reconciliation. Physically we don’t see the pain but it’s manifested in our behaviors and/or physical health. Emotions are God’s gift so we may have abundant life! Emotions aren’t designed to trap and torture us. We live in a fallen world where trauma, hurt, sin, embarrassment, rejection, fear, accidents or death are all around us. We respond negatively or positively. Our response determines our need for healing.
Between 80-90% of all illnesses are psychosomatic. This does not mean they are not real. It means it involves both the mind (psyche) and the body (soma). Research and science have determined emotional pain as the root cause for many diseases: hypertension, cardiovascular disease, immune system diseases, infections, allergies – to name a few. Harmful emotions, which lead to diseases, are: hostility, anger, stress, bitterness, self-bitterness, unforgiveness, jealousy, envy, rejection, fear. Harmful emotions can trigger the development of various diseases because hormones plus chemical and physical responses are released into the body to do battle.
Positive Solutions
Find verses that directly speak to the problem so healing can be applied. If an emotional button is pushed, repeated input of reading or hearing God’s Word can change our thought patterns or transform our minds.
Separation from God, others or ourselves? Recognize it, acknowledge it, confess it and repent of it.
Emotional Healing Involving Others (Present or Not)
1) Recall emotionally painful event.
2) Verbally forgive the person responsible.
3) Verbally ask God to forgive you for your attitude towards them.
4) Ask Jesus to give you a scene in your mind of Him being there with you
when the event took place.
Jesus is Omnipresent – always with us. His presence brings healing and we are no longer a victim but the victor with His help.
Resources: “The Word on Health” By Michael D. Jacobson, Moody Press
“Healing Academy Manual” By Rev. Larry and Audrey Eddings
Seminar Manual by Wind of the Spirit Ministries, P.O. Box 175, Silverdale, WA 98383