December 31, 2008


TRUTH – where do we get it?
how do we keep it?

“ will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
Jn. 8:32


Emotionally exhausted, she lay her head down on the table at Perkins Restaurant and almost fell asleep. For weeks she had been telling herself lies –

-I just can’t take it
-Nothing seems to go right
-I’m no good – maybe God doesn’t love me
-I can’t help the way I am
-My children would be better off without me.

Visiting a Christian psychologist, the diagnosis came back – acute depression. The doctor asked, “You’re a Lutheran, aren’t you? Do you believe the words of the catechism?” “Yes,” she answered in a tiny, insecure voice. “So when you read in the catechism ‘the Holy Spirit called me through the Gospel - He daily forgives abundantly all my sins,’ you believe that, don’t you?” “Yes.” “And you believe ‘He redeemed me - with His holy and precious blood - that I might be His own and serve Him...?’” “Yes,” she said. “And how about the meaning to the 2nd Commandment, ‘We should fear and love God so that we do not curse, swear, conjure, lie or deceive?’” “Yes, I believe” was her response.

Over the course of a few weeks, the counselor helped her to understand that she had a CD that played over and over again in her brain – and some of what the CD played did not aligned with God’s truth as taught in the Bible and expounded in the catechism. He explained that the way to emotional health is to record over the lies by telling herself the truth. He taught that she needed to act on the truth, rather than the lies conjured up in her brain. As she did so, she began to improve, psychologically speaking. She resisted the false statements and began persevering rationally and believing in the truth.

Seeking the truth became an ongoing, continuous process in her life – and the Lord enabled her to be an emotionally healthy and confident woman.

Now this woman had been called by God to be a pastor’s wife. One morning in church a young woman approached and said, “Would you consider being my mentor?” “yes,” was her response, and inside she was saying, “Yes, Lord.” The young woman, with tears in her eyes, explained that her dad was emotionally unstable and that furthermore, everyone in the family said that she resembled him. She was fearful that her behaviors were leading her in the same psychological pathway her dad had taken. What did the pastor’s wife say in response? What did she teach this younger woman? After giving comfort and confidently explaining that she knew something that would help, she began …………… “In each of our brains we have a CD playing...”

Titus 2:3-5 “Train the younger woman... so that no one will malign the word of God.”

LIES lead to bondage – TRUTH sets us free.


Ministering to the Elderly

Age is opportunity no less,
Than youth itself, though in another dress,
And as the evening twilight fades away,
The sky is filled with stars, invisible by day.”
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

What word best describes senior citizens or the elderly? Does the word “opportunity” come foremost to your mind? Within the next half century, the words “opportunity” and even “mission field” should become synonymous with “elderly” in our thoughts. Demographic predictions forecast this population to double by 2030 in half of US states. Opportunities abound to feed and encourage the hungry souls of growing numbers of seniors in our churches and communities.

We need no special training to help feed the souls of these seniors. They often crave our time and attention, commodities all of us can provide. By sharing with them in small ways, you demonstrate God’s love and concern. God promises our seniors in Isaiah 46:4 “Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.”

There are many ways you can witness to seniors. Consider some of these ideas:
- Share a cheerful smile with the seniors you meet.
- Take time, slow down and have a meaningful conversation with the seniors in your life.
- Invite a senior to your home for a meal with your family, especially for a holiday or even after church on Sunday.
- Offer to read the Bible to a senior whose eyesight is failing.
- Help a senior with a project they struggle with because of physical impairments.
- Send a card to a senior “just because”.
-Do you have small children in your life who create large amounts of artwork? Send their creations to a senior you know or to your local nursing home or assisted living.
-Offer to take a senior with you while you run errands. Or ask if there is anything you can pick-up for them.
-If you have a musical gift, share your talents at a nursing home or senior living center.
-Offer to bring an elderly neighbor or member of the church with you to church functions.
-If you know of a senior who is knowledgeable about a hobby, ask him/her to teach you and/or your children. For example, how to bake a pie from scratch.
-Ask if you can come for a visit. Leave your watch at home and spend time getting to know each other.

Finally, never miss the opportunity to share with the seniors in your life what a blessing they are to you. Often, seniors will say “I don’t want to be a bother”. Respond with “It is never a bother - It is my privilege!”


· The BEST Bible Study!! By Rose Carlson, Grafton, ND

“Start a women’s Bible study,” I clearly sensed the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit speak into my heart, as I began making contacts with women in my town who were open to learning more about Him.

Feeling a bit like Moses, I had no trouble quickly stammering back excuses to the Lord: “Who, me? But I’ve been a stay-at-home homeschooling mom for so long and I am rusty. When is there time to meet? What if no one wants to come?”

And then came the toughest question of all, “WHAT BOOK SHOULD I USE??”

It didn’t take the Lord long to convince me that I am qualified to lead a study if He calls and empowers me, and that all the effort is worth it if even one woman attends, but there was still the nagging question of what to study. The possibilities for study books are endless, and anyone who knows me knows that I become paralyzed with indecision if I have too many choices. As I pondered and fretted I again heard the Lord’s rather sardonic whisper, “What about the best book of all, MY book?”
“Heh, heh, now Lord, you know I love your Word and of course your Book is all I need, but really, I think I need some sort of guide with questions in it and commentary and stuff like that…don’t I?” Silence.

“I don’t really have time to do that much in depth study, you know that, Lord. I need a guide of some sort…don’t I?” more silence.

“OK, Lord, You win. I will use your book. And maybe later I can supplement it with something else as you show me the way.”

So began my first reentry back into the world of leading Bible study, something I had not done seriously since I was a single woman in college. It had been easy to rely on my husband, the trained theologian, to do the leading, especially during those busy years of raising small children. But my kids are growing up fast, and the Lord knew it was time for me to bear another kind of fruit once again. I invited a neighbor woman, whose children are dear friends of my children, and who attends a rather lukewarm church, and a second neighbor with the same qualities, who is Catholic. She asked if she could invite her former sister in law, who is former because she was having an adulterous affair and her marriage ended. Of course, she would be welcome. I also invited a single mom who has been through several divorces and again, an acquaintance through our children’s friendships. They all warned me that they knew nothing about their Bibles, so we jokingly called it “Bible study for Dummies” based on all those black and yellow how-to books with the same moniker. We worked our way through almost the whole book of Genesis on Saturday mornings, early, before the small kids were up and the big kids had to be carted off to their sports tournaments. We read the chapter, and talked about what it meant and how it could apply to our lives. I answered questions as they came up, sometimes not related to the particular Scriptures we were studying. We kept it to an hour, and I “made” the women all pray a sentence prayer aloud at the end, something new and scary for them all. We kept our words confidential to just our group, and we supported one another through the challenging times.
The next year, we started again, and this time the Lord gave me permission to use the Navigators’ booklet “Lessons on Assurance”. The beauty of these studies is that they cover foundational teaching, like “assurance of salvation” or “assurance of answered prayer” and they have little Bible memory cards in the back with a weekly verse to memorize. I couldn’t get those women to memorize their verses, but they still heard them and thought about them.

I knew the study was starting to bear fruit when I got a phone call from a local bar where one of the women works part time, to answer a Bible question that had come up in a discussion she was in. She told her friends there, “I know somebody I can call who can answer this question for us.”

Ladies, let me encourage you with the knowledge that it is simpler than you think to start a Bible study. I highly recommend the Best Book, keeping it simple, and letting the Holy Spirit do the work.

· Book Review--“Being Good, to Your Husband on Purpose.”

This past October as I sat by the pool on a short vacation in Florida I was reminded that God wants me to be good to my husband on purpose! Making time for him to come away with him and rest a while (Mark 6:31). The book I am recommending is by Becky Hunter, a pastor’s wife from Florida. The title of her book is “Being Good, to Your Husband on Purpose.” Have you ever thought of the connection between you and your husband’s relationship as being “Voluntary” and “Sacrificial”? The wife’s submission to her husband is “voluntary” and the husband’s love to his wife is “sacrificial”. Just as we “voluntarily “submit to Christ, and Christ “sacrificially” loved and died for the church. No kidding! We have had enough of the deception from the world in our marriages. It is time to tell the truth and live our lives in union with the Word of God!

This is a book that is easy reading but so practical and simple. The world has so much knowledge but lacks the WISDOM that is in the Word of God! Judges 21:25 says, “In those days Israel had no king: everyone did as he saw fit”. Stop! This is not my opinion but the word of God that teaches me what to do. It is time that we, as Christian women do what the bible has made so clear! ( Read 2 Peter 1: 5-9). Purposing to be good to your husband—giving him the very BEST you have to offer in every area of your life- opens you to incredible continual input from God.

“I will because God wills” is the basis of interaction with your husband—NOT “I will if he will.” This requires you to choose to serve Christ in a simple, challenging way. God can give you the desire to be your best and give you the strength to make the effort. (Proverbs 14:1). This means in your physical appearance, your home (cleaning and decorating), personal devotions , meals and family relationships.

To become a wise help-mate, learn what God’s Word has to say about your life and relationship. God’s truth is consistent so don’t look to the world and relativism!

Have you committed yourself to living in your marriage God’s way? How often have you argued with God so that He would give you your desires? Ask yourself today, is it your desire to honor Him as Lord of your life and to honor your husband as well?

Can you think of a better gift to give your husband this Christmas than to be your best physically, spiritually and emotionally? Practically every married man I know would like nothing better than a truly content, loving, and attractive wife. You can encourage your husband in ministry and strengthen your relationship by being your best self. No one should be able to outdo you in encouraging your husband. Are you willing to submit to the Lord Jesus Christ and be that helpmate today?

God bless you as you read and study His Word. Allow me to encourage each one of you to be the best that you can be. God has all that you need to do just that! Merry Christmas!
Jane Emerson

· Book Review-- “Everyone’s Normal Till You Get To Know Them”

John Ortberg’s book “Everyone’s Normal Till You Get To Know Them” emphasizes the need for Christian community. But as we live in community with others we find that the unhealthy, sinful ways we respond to life in a fallen world are hardly God’s idea of “normal” and they can make us as “unhuggable” as porcupines. We face “the porcupine dilemma” says Ortberg. We need each other, but how do we get close without getting hurt? How do we get past these quills and grow together in Christ? Ortberg goes on to say that we are all “weird”. We want to look normal, to think of ourselves as normal, but the writers of Scripture insist that no one is “totally normal”----at least not as God defines normal. Isaiah 53:6 “All of us like sheep have gone astray, Each of us has turned to his own way: But the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all To fall on Him.” Romans 3:23 “All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God”.

Ortberg shows what relationships are made of, revealing the benefits of authenticity and encourages us to trade the stones we cast at others for acceptance. He takes us through the ins and outs of conflict, forgiveness, confrontation, inclusions and gratitude.

His chapter on forgiveness was one that was particularly helpful for me. I was struggling with a relationship in my life and after reading this book, I was able to replace my anger with God given peace. A few statements in this chapter are as follows: “Forgiving does not mean tolerating bad behavior or pretending what someone did wasn’t so bad. When an action is excusable, it does not require forgiveness. We are always to pursue forgiving people who have hurt us, even when the offenders don’t ask for or deserve it. God commands us to forgive because it is the best way to live. He commands us to forgive others because he has forgiven us: He is the Great Forgiver.” (You will want to read the entire chapter)

Ortberg points us to Godly principles we need to follow in order to foster and restore relationships.

There are 12 chapters in the book with questions at the end of each chapter and scripture references at the back of the book. I’m currently leading this study with a group of women at Solid Rock Free Lutheran Church.

God bless you as you allow God to work in your life through the insights provided by this author.

Submitted by Lucinda Haug,
(Wife of Pastor Gary Haug at Solid Rock Free Lutheran church, Registered Nurse, Mother of 6 children, Grandmother of 4 children)

One of the women’s events at our church that is one of my favorites is our yearly “Christmas CafĂ©”. This event provides for a time when the women of our church can gather together to begin the season of Christmas with an evening of singing Christmas carols, sharing testimonies, and encouraging each other in our quests to keep the attention of Christmas on our Savior.

This event is usually held in a home, where the atmosphere is cozy and intimate. We pamper ourselves by enjoying gourmet coffees and specialty treats. Women, in general, are preparing special dinners, doing extra shopping, and extra decorating during the busy Christmas season; therefore, we want to provide an opportunity to re-charge and encourage them as they enter a beautiful, yet busy season. Thus, there are two main goals that our church has for this event. The first and foremost is to start the season by focusing on Christ; therefore, setting the tone for the entire Christmas season. Secondly, it is our goal to take care of the “care-givers”. We want to pamper the women. We also want to provide a relaxing environment where they can build relationships with one another, as well as be inspired to enter into a spirit of a Christ-filled, joy-filled Christmas.

This event can be adapted for Easter and Thanksgiving as well. This year, our church held a pie social during the month of November for the women. It was a night of praise & worship, testimony, thanksgiving and fellowship.

Naomi Halvorson
Living Hope Church
St. Michael, MN

Websites: www.Lifeway:Biblical solutions for Life-Helps for Ministers wives


In each HEARTLINE you will be presented with “a question”. The question will give you three to four answer options to choose from. The response answers will be tabulated and the percentages will then be given in the following HEARTLINE issue. And, then again, another question with answer option will be given and so on.

Last Issues Question Results:
What is your preferred long distance communication method?
85% of respondents preferred e-mail as favorite correspondence method.
15% preferred phone calls
0% letters
0% texting

When did you come to know the Lord as your personal Savior?

A. 0-12 years

B. 13-17 years

C. 18-30 years

D. 30-50 years

E. 50+ years

We invite you to share your response to this question using the long distance communication method that you prefer. Please send your response to Kristi Swenson using that method. Letter-method address is: 1701 Terrace Dr., Minot, ND 58703. Email Telephone number 612-209-8936. However, Kristi’s cell phone doesn’t text so you will need to use an alternate method if you prefer that means.


Tex Mex Bake (exerpt from Parents Magazine August 2008)

4 cups cooked rice
1 can diced tomatoes
1 lb ground browned beef
4 cups tortilla chips
1 can pinto beans
1 lb cheese or more (shredded)
1 small can sliced black olives
Sour Cream (optional)

Prepare rice as on package. Set aside. Pre-heat oven to 350. Spray 9 x 13 pan with non-stick spray. In bowl combine cooked rice, beans, olives, tomatoes, browned beef. Set aside. Cover bottom of dish with crushed chips. Layer with half the cheese. Top with meat/rice mixture. Top with remaining cheese. Bake in oven till warmed through and cheese melted. Top with sour cream if desired. Enjoy

Banana Praline Sundae (Cathy Richman AFLC Elbow SK, Canada)

1 banana sliced
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup butter
1 tsp rum flavoring
Vanilla Ice Cream

Combine butter and sugar and rum extract in sauce pan until boiling. Then add banana slices and raisins. Stir through until warmed. Serve over ice cream


In our current post-modern culture, truth is considered relevant by many "enlightened" people. However, as Christians, we know that God's Word is the standard of all truth. This month, lets pray that we will be daily drawn to read and study our Bibles in times of quiet devotion with the Lord. Only then can we know what the Truth says, and from there, we can apply it to our lives.

But Evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. You however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them: and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness: that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:13-17


By Mary Pollestad

Heather Coyle is a mother of three children and serves with her husband Dana in Illinois, at a two point parish Freedom and St. Petrie. When Heather was asked what the word TRUST meant to her she paused and thought for awhile and said, “ it is PEACE.” “ Peace that God will use me.” “ Peace that He will be there for me.” “ It is the faithfulness of God to me no matter if there is chaos all around”. “Also I can trust and see Him working even if I don’t understand the situations.”

I asked Heather what she thought her ministry was in the churches. She said, “First it is being a helpmate.” “ Giving encouragement and support to Dana.” “Support in prayer to him first of all and then just listening.” The other ministry that she senses God calling her to use is her gift of MERCY. “People feel free to talk to me,” She said. “Sometimes I just listen and don’t say anything.” “Sometimes I listen and just pray for them.” “Most of the time people just want you to listen and to keep that confidence” she explained. Dana says, “ I am approachable and that is why people feel very free to talk to me.” “The key is to keep that confidence,” she warned.

I asked her if she was going to leave one note of encouragement to all of the pastor’s wives what would that be. She thought for a bit and then explained. “Be content with who you are.” “Don’t feel that you have to fit into a certain mold.” Sometimes you may feel like, “What am I doing for Jesus.” Just seek Him in your daily devotions and prayer. “The second thing is to spend time whenever you can with your spouse building your relationship,” she said. “The third encouragement would be “Don’t stretch yourself too thin.” “And the fourth thing would be,” as she sighed “ to know your gifts and don’t be afraid to say “NO”.

October 9, 2008



“not my will but YOURS be done” Mt. 26:39

Our challenge during these months is for TOTAL SURRENDER. Laying our personal ambitions, our families, our church, and our daily activities at the feet of Jesus-and leaving hem there. Leaving all the struggles-all issues of life at the feet of Jesus. As we rise, we are aware that we are able to walk lightly, without shouldering the weight of daily life. Without the resistance to God’s will we sense that the pressure has been released, like releasing the tension on an elastic band.


There are a few questions that are seldom asked of us Pastor’s wives. Almost never asked is the question of our personal relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ. So I’ll be bold and ask the question now - Are you fully sold out to Jesus? Are you wholly committed to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? IS YOUR ALL ON THE ALTAR? Ask yourself the questions, as I am asking them of myself.

Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid?
Your heart does the Spirit control?
You can only be blest and have peace and sweet rest
As you yield Him your body and soul.

Yielding to Jesus – yielding LIFE to Him – that’s the rub. How can one have one’s own way if life is yielded to Him? Full commitment to Jesus would mean that pastors and wives cannot make the final decision as to where we serve – the determining factor cannot be our personal desires. Simply stated, it would mean that pastors and wives cannot choose which congregations they serve based on size, location, church leadership, age of the people, etc. Setting aside personal desires and ambitions is not easy – but it’s the only way to serve when full commitment is sincere.

Or, perhaps when and where you serve is not the issue in your life? It may be something entirely different. But trust me, if you’ve read this far there is something He wants you to learn regarding commitment. Ask yourself, “What has God put his finger on in my life?” We can get so used to rationalizing – making adjustments – telling ourselves “well that’s life.” It is possible to “adjust” ourselves right outside of God’s perfect will and intention.

Remember Abraham – without knowledge of where he and Sarah were going, they followed step-by-step to the land God desired to give them. They made mistakes along the way, but they continually redirected their focus to God.
Remember Joseph – Pridefully he wore his coat of many colors until placed in a pit by his siblings and sold as a slave in Egypt. He complained not but looked to the Lord for deliverance and was honored to save the chosen people from famine and possible extinction.
Remember Jonah – who didn’t want to preach to the people of Nineveh – perhaps he didn’t find them worth his time. Result? A large fish swallowed him up until he willingly went to the repentant people.

The Lord applies pressure in the lives of His people in order to move them into the center of His will. Sister, where is the Lord applying pressure in your life today? What has God put his finger on in your life? Let the Holy Spirit examine your life. Open up to His scrutiny. He wants our repentance – He is searching for our willingness. When willing and cooperative, He will enable us to obey.


Serving the Special Needs Child
Ruth Rautio, Special Ed Teacher, Specializes in EBD/LD.

But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Luke 18:16. Currently there are more than 7 million children with special needs throughout our nation. Two specific disabilities are Autism and Emotional Behavioral Disorder (EBD). Find out from the autistic parent exactly what the child’s favorite treat is at home and always have it for after church fellowship time that way the parent can enjoy the time without the child being upset due to unfamiliarity. Ask the parent what their favorite toys, games, or items are at home and try to get those exact items for a church bag so the child knows there is normalcy at church and the parent doesn’t have to remember to bring the favorites. Have the same two people that the autistic and EBD child knows and is comfortable with in the nursery so that the parents can successfully leave the child and enjoy the service. The key for Autistic children is to have as much the same as home for that carryover and normalcy which provides for an easy transition from home to church and minimizes the difficulty that can occur from change. Most of these tips are very good for the EBD children as well however, make certain that the child is only re-directed by the caregiver when an incident occurs because the caregiver knows best how the child will respond. For the EBD and Autistic child know that the parent often has a constant battle at home and everywhere they go. They have come to church for a reprieve and a place of security. Most of all remember to surrender these children along with all other children to the Lord for such is the kingdom of Heaven.


Let me recommend...

Book review by: Ellen Monseth

SURRENDER: The Heart God Controls, by Nancy Leigh DeMoss

An important aspect of effective gardening is learning to "deadhead". This involves cutting away old growth which encourages new growth. In her book, SURRENDER: The Heart God Controls, Nancy Leigh DeMoss speaks of the lifelong process of cutting away or crucifying the old nature which follows our salvation in Christ. This Scripture-rich book with deep insights from author DeMoss is a must read for every believer. Her emphasis is expressed in Romans 12:1 ". . . . .in view of God's mercy. . present your bodies a living sacrifice (surrender) . . . .this is your reasonable (logical) act of worship."

Book review by: Gloria Lee

“God: A Good Father” Michael Phillips, (Destiny Image Publishers 2001)

As one desires to know Jesus and the Holy Spirit, so the heart seeks God, our Heavenly Father. The author brings to light the unique an intimate relationship we can experience with God our Father. As we come to understand what it is to be His loved, cared for child, we in turn learn to love Him with our whole mind, heart, soul and will.

Bible study review --Naomi Halverson’s

“Breaking Free” by Beth Moore

I love Beth Moore studies because it really gets me digging in the scripture, and contemplating how God’s Word relates to my life. It has been several years since I have done this particular study of hers, but it is one of my personal favorites. One of the main scriptures that is used for memorization in this study is found in Galatians 5:1 which says, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” In this study, participants will learn what captivity is, and how it relates to us as believers. Beth uses the following definition to help us in our understanding of it. “A Christian is held captive by anything that hinders the abundant and effective Spirit-filled life God planned for him/her.” Beth leads the study participants through the benefits that God so graciously extends to His children as they break free from the bonds of captivity. These include:
1. To know God and believe Him
2. To glorify God
3. To find satisfaction in God
4. To experience God’s peace
5. To enjoy God’s presence

I highly recommend this study! In fact, just looking it over again makes me want to dig in, and go through it again!


In each HEARTLINE you will be presented with “a question”. The question will give you three to four answer options to choose from. The response answers will be tabulated and the percentages will then be given in the following HEARTLINE issue. And, then again, another question with answer option will be given and so on.

What is your preferred long distance communication method?

A. Phone
B. Letters
C. E-mail
D. Texting

We invite you to share your response to this question using the long distance communication method that you prefer. Please send your response to Kristi Swenson using that method. Letter-method address is: 1701 Terrace Dr., Minot, ND 58703 . Email Telephone #612-209-8936. However, Kristi’s cell phone doesn’t text so you will need to use an alternate method if you prefer that means.



Crust: 1 cup flour
1/2 cup butter or margarine
1/2 cup chopped nuts
1/4 cup brown sugar
mix, pat in bottom of 9x13 pan, bake at 350 for 10-15 minutes until lightly browned

Next Layer:
8 oz cream cheese
1/2 cup powdered sugar-mix and add 1 cup cool whip. Spread on cooled crust.

Next Layer:
Mix 2 packages raspberry jello with 2 cups boiling water.
Add 2 10 oz packages frozen raspberries while the jello is still hot.
Cool until it begins to gel, spread over cheese layer. Chill until set.
Top with 1 carton of cool whip.


1 bunch beets, peeled and cut into 2-inch pieces
2 medium rutabagas, peeled and cut into 2-inch pieces
1 pound baby carrots
2 large onions, quartered
2 pounds small red potatoes, cut in half, unpeeled
1 bunch parsnips, peeled and cut into 1-inch pieces
1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil
salt and freshly ground black pepper

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Position rack in center of oven.
2. Toss vegetables with olive oil on a baking sheet and season with salt and pepper.
3. Place baking sheet in oven and roast vegetables, stirring occasionally, until they're brown and tender, about 45-60 minutes.


Each HEARTLINE will present you with a corporate prayer suggestion for AFLC Pastors' wives.

Let’s begin our corporate prayer emphasis by examining our hearts. Ask the Lord “What are the areas in my heart that need to be surrendered to you?” Let’s pray specifically for the individual areas of your hearts that He reveals.

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Psalms 139:23-24.



By Mary Pollestad

For the next few issues we will be having interviews with several pastor’s wives in our AFLC Family. Our first interview is with Paula McLaughlin. Paula is the mother of two children and she and her husband serve Timberland Ringbu and Hosanna Free Lutheran in rural Wisconsin.

When I asked Paula what she felt her ministry was in the church she immediately replied, “Encouraging ladies to more spiritual growth and to go deeper in the Word of God.” I then asked her what she felt her calling was within the church and immediately she said, “That would be the children.” “I like to teach them because they are so open and honest and so eager to grow to learn more about Jesus.” “They tell it like it is” she said “not like we adults who shy away sometimes” “I also like to go out on some of the visits with my husband.” When I asked her what she thought she could do for her husband to encourage him in the ministry she immediately said. “Encourage him all the time in whatever way I can.” “Just sitting and listening to him and being his confidant” “Also, I can help him in the ministry by making sure the things are done at home so when he gets home he doesn’t have to do them.” “Most of all, she said encouraging him by praying for him everyday.” “Also, if I have a positive attitude as a wife that really encourages my husband.”

If she was going to give a definition of the word surrender she said, “Surrender every aspect of your life all through the week.” “Whether you are in the grocery store, church or gas station.” “If your life is surrendered to Christ it will come out in your daily life.” “It will be evident.”